WIDA Standards, Assessments, and Professional Learning

Contact Information

Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Multilingual Education

Virginia Morales

Assistant Director, ESD 189 & 121 (King)

Shannon Martin

Supervisor ESD 113, 114 & 121 (Pierce)

Katie Sperling

Multilingual & Dual Program Supervisor, ESD 101 & 171

Kadriye El-Atwani, Ph.D.

Supervisor ESD 105, 112 & 123

Washington is part of the 42-state agency WIDA Consortium that promotes educational equity for multilingual learners through language development standards, assessments, and high-quality professional learning for P-12 educators.

WIDA Standards

Washington state adopted the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework in 2021. WIDA also offers new Spanish Language Development (SLD) Standards called WIDA Marco DALE.

  • WIDA ELD Standards Roll-out Plan This OSPI developed plan includes objectives, professional learning resources and links, and suggested activities for the first three years of implementation of these new standards.
  • Collaborative Planning Template | Spanish version This template can be used for teachers to plan instruction that uses the WIDA ELD or SLD Standards Framework to integrate content, language, and literacy.

WIDA Assessments

Multilingual learners in Washington state are screened and tested annually using WIDA assessments. The following links provide more information on screening and testing in Washington state:

WIDA Professional Learning

As members of the WIDA Consortium, all educators in Washington state public schools have access to high-quality professional learning through WIDA. These opportunities include self-paced workshops and live or virtual facilitated workshops led by WIDA professional development specialists. To access these workshops as well as all required WIDA assessment trainings, educators must log in through the WIDA Secure Portal.

Get a WIDA Secure Portal Account

All WIDA assessment materials, required trainings for screeners and assessments, and professional learning courses are in the WIDA Secure Portal, which can be accessed by all K-12 educators in Washington public schools. To get a Secure Portal account:

  1. Email WIDA Help and ask to set up a WIDA Secure Portal account for assessments and eLearning. You must use your district email address.
  2. You will receive an email from WIDA Client Services Center informing you that an account has been set up.
  3. Go to: WIDA Login webpage.
  4. Select: WIDA Secure Portal
  5. Login to the WIDA Secure Portal with your district email address and password.
WIDA Self-Paced Workshops

The following self-paced WIDA Workshops are available from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025, to support effective instruction and language development for multilingual learners. All learning opportunities have free clock hours and are available to all K-12 public school educators. Private schools who opt into federal Title III services are eligible for these courses as well. Contact your school administrator for more information.

To earn free clock hours, use the following links to register through pdEnroller. 

2024-25 New Courses:  

2024-25 Returning Courses: 

WIDA Facilitated Workshops

WIDA facilitated workshops for the 2024-25 school year are still being scheduled.

Facilitation Materials for WIDA Professional Learning

School and district leaders can use these facilitation materials to engage educators in using the WIDA self-paced workshops in interactive professional learning. Videos or slides can be used to introduce each module with educators completing the module after each session.

The WIDA Standards Framework: A Collaborative Approach:

WIDA Resources

WIDA offers many additional resources to facilitate sharing information on standards, assessments, and professional learning, including:

  • ACCESS for ELLs – Parent letters, handouts, and guides to explain what ACCESS is, who takes ACCESS, and how to understand the score report.
  • Focus Bulletins – WIDA publications that explore issues in the field of ELL education.
  • Family Resources – Material that can help families understand the range of WIDA assessments, as well as what it means to be an English learner.
  • Research and Technical Reports – Scholarly reports and briefs written by WIDA researchers about issues of interest in the field of ELL education.

Visit the WIDA Resource Library for a complete list of resource topics and types.

For resources in Spanish, visit WIDA Español.