WA-AIM Scoring and Reporting

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During the administration of the Washington-Access to Instruction & Measurement (WA-AIM) educators determine the most appropriate Access Point and administer the associated Performance Task. Five items are required for each Performance Task. Educators will enter a score for each item based on a student’s response. An entry of 1=student got the item correct; an entry of 0=student got the item incorrect. Final scores for each standard are based on the number of items correct for the Performance Task and the weighted value of the Access Point complexity level at which the Performance Task was administered.

For a more comprehensive look at scoring see: Generating the Score.

The cut (or threshold) scores for Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4, within the scale score range, were developed during WA-AIM Standard Setting summer 2015. The associated cut scores were then recommended to the State Board of Education (SBE) and were approved on August 5, 2015.

Achievement Level Descriptors for ELA, Mathematics, and Science are provided in each content area, for each grade level.

Scale Score Ranges for All Achievement Levels on the WA-AIM

WA-AIM English Language Arts

Scale Score Range for WA-AIM English Language Arts

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 100-108 109-123 124-149 150-200
4 100-106 107-124 125-157 158-200
5 100-107 108-128 129-161 162-200
6 100-109 110-124 125-158 159-200
7 100-107 108-122 123-153 154-200
8 100-109 110-122 123-149 150-200
High school 100-109 110-125 126-161 162-200
WA-AIM Mathematics

Scale Score Range for WA-AIM Mathematics

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
3 100-107 108-128 129-160 161-200
4 100-105 106-125 126-160 161-200
5 100-105 106-119 120-152 153-200
6 100-108 109-130 131-159 160-200
7 100-108 109-123 124-162 163-200
8 100-111 112-132 133-161 162-200
High school 100-107 108-119 120-145 146-200
WA-AIM Science

Scale Score Range for WA-AIM Science

Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Grade 5 100-110 111-128 129-168 169-200
8 100-109 110-126 127-162 163-200
High school 100-110 111-127 128-163 164-200
WA-AIM Graduation Cut Scores

WA-AIM Graduation Cut Scores

English Language Arts 104
Mathematics  103


Districts and schools receive score reports detailing student achievement on the WA-AIM. Copies of Individual Student Reports (ISRs) are provided to schools along with Parent Letter Templates and a Parent Guide to send home to families that explain student scores on the assessment.

WA-AIM Score Interpretation Guide