
Graduation Resources

Contact Information

Graduation & Pathways Preparation

Maria Muto

Secondary Counseling Program Supervisor

To graduate from high school in Washington state, at a minimum students must earn the required credits, and complete both a Graduation Pathway and a High School Beyond Plan. The resources on this web page are designed for school support staff, educators, school districts, and families to help students to graduate with a diploma and a plan for a meaningful first step after high school.

Class of 2025

For comprehensive guidance related to the implementation of Washington’s current graduation requirements, please see the following resources for detailed information:

Class of 2024

For comprehensive guidance related to the implementation of Washington’s current graduation requirements, please see the following resources for detailed information:

Students graduating by August 31, 2024 in the 2023-24 school year may access the Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver (GREW) that includes up to 1.0 credit. No pathway waiver is available. For more detailed information, please explore the State Board of Education’s website.

Class of 2023

For comprehensive guidance related to the implementation of Washington’s current graduation requirements, please see the following resources for detailed information:

With regards to continued impacts on learning and credit recovery from the COVID pandemic, students graduating by August 31, 2023 in the 2022-23 school year may access the Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver (GREW) that includes up to 2.0 credits and the graduation pathway. For more detailed information, please explore the State Board of Education’s website.

Class of 2022

The State Board of Education (SBE) passed permanent rules in July 2021, allowing for individual students to use a Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver (GREW) if their ability to earn all credits and/or complete a Graduation Pathway was impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis. This waiver should be used only after high schools have made a "good faith effort" to help students meet all graduation requirements and only if the student can still demonstrate their preparation for their post-high school plan.

Class of 2021

Due to the COVID-19 public health crisis, the State Board of Education passed emergency rules to ensure that seniors who could demonstrate their preparation for their post-high school plan could access a Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver (GREW) and still graduate even if not all state and/or local graduation requirements had been met.

High School and Beyond Plan

In recent years, the need to ensure that all students graduate ready for career, college and civic engagement has resulted in increased focus on graduation requirements. This webpage links to specific details about the High School and Beyond Plan and Student Learning Plans.

Career Guidance Washington Lessons

Career Guidance Washington is a guidance and life-planning curriculum for students in Grades 6-12. It is designed to help students achieve their post-high school dreams.

Waivers and CIA

The Class of 2021 will be the last graduating class where the opportunity to access a Certificate of Individual Achievement (CIA) is still available. This webpage describes different CIA options and assessment waivers that can be utilized for eligible students needing these supports.

High School Transcripts

For high school students, a transcript is their official academic record and may possibly be used to determine eligibility for a job, internship or apprenticeship, but is most commonly used as part of military enlistment and college and scholarship application processes. This webpage links to OSPI’s annual Transcript User Guide and FAQ, often used by K-12 and higher education admissions staff.