Career and College Readiness

Contact Information

School Counseling

Gayle Fleming

Comprehensive School Counseling Program Supervisor

Maria Muto

Secondary Counseling Program Supervisor

Every student deserves assistance and attention, not just those who are high-risk or high achieving. A focus on college and career readiness ensures that all students get the most out of high school and have access to guidance about their options after graduation.

College & Career Readiness Professional Development

2024-25 OSPI-WSAC Webinar Series

Each year, OSPI, the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC), and other partners co-host a series of webinars for school counselors, career counselors and specialists, college access professionals, graduation specialists, and other support staff. This webinar series typically includes policy changes and tools and resources to help support students' career and college preparation, academic development, and social-emotional development.

  • All webinars take place from 9:00 am-10:30 am.
  • Each session is free, and registering for the series does not obligate you to attend every webinar.
  • Registering through pdEnroller will give you access to 1.5 FREE clock hours per webinar.
    • Zoom will email you a confirmation when you register with the option to add a calendar appointment. You will receive a reminder email before the webinar with a link to join.
    • Clock hours are awarded based on time in attendance during the live webinar. Attendees will receive a follow up email containing a code to self-claim clock hours.
    • After each webinar, pdEnroller will send you an email link to a short evaluation survey. Once you complete and submit this survey and your time is verified, you'll be eligible to receive the clock hours.
    • Clock hours are released to your transcript, and you can print a copy of them from your pdEnroller account as needed.
    • Register on pdEnroller by clicking the link below: 

Previous Webinars

2023-24 School Year
2022-23 School Year
2021-22 School Year
2020-21 School Year
2019-20 School Year