Professional Certification Fee Schedule
Effective January 1, 2022, the OSPI processing fee will increase to $51, and the PESB certification fee will increase by $1 per year of certificate validity. Total new fees are listed below.
Fees are NOT refundable. Please ensure you select and submit the correct application as the OSPI fee will not apply toward a future or corrected application and will need to be paid with each application submitted. OSPI will charge a non-refundable processing fee for processing all certificate applications or requests for administrative actions referred to within WAC 392-194-002. Once an individual submits an application and related processing fee, either electronically or on paper, OSPI will under no circumstances refund the fee. In the event an individual pays a processing fee without submitting an application, OSPI will consider returning the payment.
Certificate Type | Total Fee
(as of January 1, 2022) |
Conditional Administrator (principals only) | $63 |
Continuing Administrator (superintendents only) | $121 |
Continuing Administrator Renewal (per role) | $52 |
Initial Administrator (superintendents only) | $93 |
Professional Administrator (certificate or renewal) | $81 |
Reinstatement of Lapsed Continuing Certificate (per role) | $81 |
Residency Administrator Reissue | $51 |
Residency Administrator Renewal (5-year) | $81 |
Residency Principal or Program Administrator Certificate | $93 |
Substitute Administrator Certificate | $81 |
Educational Staff Associates (ESA)
Certificate Type | Total Fee (as of January 1, 2022) |
Conditional ESA | $63 |
Continuing ESA (per role) | $121 |
Continuing ESA Renewal | $52 |
Initial ESA (per role) | $81 |
Initial ESA Renewal (per role) | $81 |
Professional (Continuing) ESA Certificate (per role) | $81 |
Professional ESA Renewal (per role) | $81 |
Reinstatement of Lapsed Continuing Certificate (per role) | $81 |
Residency ESA (per role) | $93 |
Residency ESA Reissuance | $51 |
Renewal of ESA Residency Certificate (5-year) | $81 |
Substitute ESA | $81 |
Transitional ESA | $63 |
Certificate Type | Total Fee
(as of January 1, 2022) |
Advanced Paraeducator | $54 |
English Language Learner Subject Matter | $54 |
General Paraeducator | $74 |
Special Education Subject Matter | $54 |
Certificate Type | Total Fee (as of January 1, 2022) |
Adding an Endorsement (per endorsement) | $81 |
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Certificate (requires a separate application) | $52 |
CTE Career Guidance Specialist | $52 |
Conditional Teacher Certificate | $63 |
Continuing Teacher Certificate | $121 |
Continuing Teacher Renewal | $52 |
Emergency Certificate | $57 |
Emergency Substitute Certificate | $63 |
First Peoples Language, Culture, and Oral Traditions Certificates | $81 |
Intern Substitute Certificate | $63 |
Initial Teacher Certificate Renewal | $69 |
Late Fee (expired initial or initial renewal certificate) | $100 |
Professional Teacher | $81 |
Professional Teacher Renewal | $81 |
Reinstatement of Lapsed Continuing Certificate (per role) | $81 |
Reinstatement of Lapsed CTE Continuing Certificate (per role) | $52 |
Residency Teacher (1st issue) | $93 |
Residency Reissue | $51 |
Residency Renewal (5-year) | $81 |
Substitute Teacher | $81 |
Transitional Teacher | $63 |