Renewal of a Career and Technical Educator (CTE) Initial Certificate
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To renew an Initial CTE Certificate, you must meet the training and experience requirements listed below.
Beginning July 1, 2023, House Bill 1426 issued new certificate renewal requirements, in addition to current renewal requirements, for all teachers, CTE teachers, and for all administrator and CTE director certificates. New requirements are italicized below.
- Hold or have held an Initial CTE certificate.
- 15 Equity-based school practices aligned with CCDEI standards clock hours, valid National Boards certificate or equivalent college credits, or at least one goal of an annual PGP from one of the legislature-approved providers.
AND - Must have completed 10 quarter credits or 100 clock hours or four PGPGPs in CTE within five years or a combination of any listed hours.
Clock Hour Note: Educators cannot use the same clock hours to satisfy multiple clock hour-specific requirements (STEM, Equity, Leadership, etc.). Clock hour courses related to CTE teaching: This would include courses such as classroom management, formative assessment, differentiated instruction, and culturally-responsive teaching strategies. For more information, please contact the Professional Educator Standards Board.
Certificate Renewal Information
NATIONAL BOARD NOTE: An educator who has earned or holds a valid National Board Professional Teacher Certificate, may use the valid National Boards Certificate to renew or upgrade their CTE certificate.
STEM NOTE: Applicants submitting after September 1, 2019, that hold specific endorsements must complete 15 STEM clock hours as part of their certificate renewal requirements.
ISSUES OF ABUSE NOTE: This issues of abuse course or course work must include information related to identification of physical, emotional , sexual, and substance abuse; the impact on learning and behavior; the responsibilities an educator to report abuse or to provide assistance to victimized children; and methods of teaching about abuse and its prevention. (If you have completed a Washington approved program, you have met this requirement and do not need to enter this course under your 'PD Hours'.)
If you have all necessary documentation to apply for this certificate, login to: E-Certification