Annual State Technology Survey

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2024–25 Technology Survey 

The OSPI Educational Technology Survey is sent out annually to every district to gather information which supports efforts to inform legislative reports and the work of the OSPI EdTech team. Providing this information has allowed the OSPI EdTech team to advocate on your behalf by providing meaningful data and insights from the district level. The online OSPI 2024–25 Educational Technology Survey has been sent to your district’s designated Technology Director for completion, with a due date of May 15, 2025. See OSPI 2024–25 Educational Technology Survey Questions. The reporting requirement (RCW 28A.655.075 and RCW 28A.230.095) for educational technology classroom-based assessments administered in the elementary, middle, and high school grades is no longer a separate survey out to districts. To meet the legislative requirement, district reporting on these assessments is now included in the annual OSPI Educational Technology Survey that is sent to district designated Technology Directors. We encourage Technology Directors to discuss these educational technology classroom-based assessment questions with Teaching and Learning staff before submitting responses. 

2023–24 Technology Survey

See presentation of 2023–24 OSPI Annual Technology Survey Findings & Insights.

Survey Snapshot

267 districts (88%) responded to our 2023–24 annual technology survey.

Internet Connectivity

  • 271 districts are connected to Washington’s K–20 Education Network 
  • 78% of district respondents have a Wide-Area Network (WAN) 

Guest Access

  • 90% of district respondents allow guests to connect to “guest” district networks 
  • Instructional Devices 
  • A total of 1,122,032 instructional devices were in use during the 2023–24 school year 

1:1 Device Programs

  • 91% of district respondents have a 1:1 device program 
  • 23 district respondents reported not having a 1:1 device program in place 
  • Estimated total 1:1 devices for 2023–24 school year: 923,437 
  • Estimated total rural 1:1 devices for 2023–24 school year: 156,354 
  • Top 1:1 device program descriptions: 
  • Elementary: Students have assigned devices that stay primarily at school (35% of respondents) 
  • Middle School: Students have assigned devices that regularly travel between school and home (67% of respondents) 
  • High School: Students have assigned devices that regularly travel between school and home (77% of respondents) 


  • 56% of district respondents have 0 FTEs dedicated to cybersecurity 
  • An average of 0.36 FTEs are dedicated to cybersecurity per district 
  • Greatest cybersecurity needs identified were (1) funding for technology staff, (2) time for educator professional learning, and (3) funding for cybersecurity appliances 

Tech Staffing 

  • 72% of district respondents have at least 1 FTE dedicated to tech support 
  • 27% of district respondents have less than 1 FTE dedicated to technical support 
  • 12% of district respondents have 0 FTEs dedicated to technical support 
  • 29% of district respondents provide stipends to individuals at the building level to provide educational technology support 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration 

  • Districts were asked to rank AI integration on a scale of 0–5 (0 being “not at all” and 5 being “full integration”) at multiple levels 
  • District leadership: 1.6 average ranking 
  • Policy/program implementation: 1.4 average ranking 
  • Classroom: 1.2 average ranking 

2023–24 Technology Survey Questions