E-rate Program

Contact Information

Susan Tenkhoff

E-Rate & Emergency Connectivity Fund Coordinator


The E-rate discount program lowers the cost of Internet access, and telecom and network data services for schools and libraries. In addition, districts and libraries also apply for the E-rate discount to lower the cost of telecom and network data services.

E-rate Training & Materials

USAC Training Materials

E-rate Discounts

E-rate discounts for all schools are based on their shared, district-wide discount, which is calculated based on the percentage of students eligible for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) (or other qualifying methods for determining low-income student populations) and the Urban or Rural designation of the district.

OSPI has created a spreadsheet that indicates the enrollment and eligibility data for each school, along with each school's Urban or Rural status, State School Code, and USAC-provided Billed Entity Numbers (BENs). This school-level data is then rolled up to create the district-wide discounts. For each district with more than 50% of their schools listed as Rural, the entire district is considered Rural. All other districts are considered Urban.Once the district-wide eligibility % and the Urban/Rural status are determined, OSPI uses USAC's Discount Matrix to determine the district-wide discount.

OSPI creates a ‘valid file’ annually, that is shared with USAC to use to validate discounts on submitted E-rate applications. For the upcoming fund year (2023-24), OSPI began with the data from October 31, 2021 Child Nutrition reporting, then worked with districts to ensure that the data was accurate, and in some cases utilized newer, corrected data.

View the valid file that USAC will use to validate discounts on Fund Year 2024 applications (for services received between 7/1/24 and 6/30/25)

You’ll notice that some schools are listed with 0 students. This does not make them ineligible for E-rate; it simply means that the students at those locations are already captured elsewhere in the district, so listing them at these sites would allow them to be double-counted. There is absolutely no issue with listing individual schools in EPC with 0 students, as the district-wide calculations will still be accurate.

As long as the discount listed on the valid file matches the discount calculated in EPC, there should be no issues during application review. If you receive entity or discount validation questions from USAC, please share them with OSPI so that we can work with USAC to make sure that reviewers are using the current valid file in their reviews.

If you have questions about the valid file, or anything else related to E-rate, please reach out to Susan Tenkhoff or Ana Ketch for assistance.

Eligible Services

SPIN Number & NCES Code

District Technology Plans

E-rate no longer requires a district technology plan for any funding category, and there are no state or federal requirements for districts to have a technology plan. However, if a district would still like to have a state-approved technology plan, that option is still available through OSPI. Interested districts must submit an Intent to File form to OSPI, and submit their plan for approval.


Technology Plan Templates

If you did not use the 2019-2022 District Technology Plan Template to develop your district technology plan, use the 2019-2022 District Technology Plan Index to organize the content in your plan.

The district school board must approve your technology plan first and document their approval in a letter.

Send completed forms and board approval to:

ATTN: Bre Urness-Straight, Educational Technology

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

PO Box 47200

600 Washington Street SE

Olympia, WA 98504-7200