Graduation Equity Webinar Series

Graduation: A Team Effort (GATE) Equity Webinars are an hour and a half long and an opportunity to learn from people trying innovative approaches across the state. Webinar topics include behavior and belonging, early warning systems, school climate, youth voice, college readiness, staff wellness, and more.

The National Equity Project defines educational equity as each child receiving what they need to develop their full academic and social potential. This aligns with our mission at OSPI.

New 2024-25 Series Starts August 14! 

Stay tuned to this page for more details at the end of July.  The new link to register to attend any or all of the new series is available below under the Registration and Clock Hours tab.

New links for free clock hours will be posted on the first of each month starting in August. 

Most Recent Webinar

Orientation Practices to Boost Connection

May 8 

Transitions can be some of the most stressful times in life because they mess with our routines, our expectations, but most of all our relationships. We had Henterson Carlisle, the Northwest Director for the Center for High School Success discuss how he has coached many school teams working to welcome rising eighth graders to ninth grade and seen a wide variety of orientation models. We also had Grandview School District talk about how they are centering connection in their orientation practices. 

Orientation Practices Presentation

Orientation Practices Resources Page


Registration & Clock Hours

Each session is free and includes up to 1.5 clock hours.

  • Sign up on Graduation Equity Webinar Registration for the series to join us live. You only have to register once to attend for the whole season, August – May of each school year.
  • Zoom will email you a confirmation email when you register with the option to add a calendar appointment. You'll also get a reminder email before the webinar with your personal link to join.
  • Register in pdEnroller each month for free Clock Hours:  The new link is posted on the first day of each month on our Graduation Equity Webinar Series webpage.
  • After the webinar, pdEnroller will send you an email link to a short evaluation survey. Complete and submit this survey.
  • Clock hours are awarded based on actual attendance time, after we have verified your attendance, within one week of the webinar. Clock hours are released to your transcript; you can print a copy from your pdEnroller account if needed.

If you miss the live webinar, you can still earn Clock Hours!

  • Register for the clock hours using the pdEnroller link for the month. If it is after the month of the original webinar, you will be registered after you have completed the survey.
  • Watch the video on our YouTube Channel.
  • Fill out our Feedback Survey. We check every two weeks to award Clock Hours for viewing on YouTube.
  • Note: We cannot offer clock hours for webinars that are more than 9 months past.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Ronnie Larson on OSPI's Student Engagement and Support team.

Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities

We want to support your full participation. Our webinars have closed captioning available each month. To arrange other accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact Kefi Andersen by email within 3 business days of this event. However, we will be better able to respond if you give us at least two weeks. The ADA does not require OSPI to take any action that would alter the nature of its programs or impose undue burden.

Feedback Survey

We care about continuous improvement. A lot of our best ideas came from our amazing audience. How can we improve our webinars? You can tell us what you thought of our latest webinar and which presenters you'd like to see. Choose the times and topics that work best for you: Webinar Feedback Survey.


Check out past webinars on OSPI's YouTube Channel. Subscribe by clicking the bell to get alerts when we post new videos.

April 10, 2024 | Systems & Interventions for Attendance & Reengagement

Systems & Interventions for Attendance & Reengagement

Do we have influence over who goes to school? Yes, we do! And Tier 1 strategies can help create the kind of school culture that encourages a sense of belonging, connectedness, and fun. We’re bringing you experience from attendance coach, Shelby Lockhart. You’ll learn from Selah and Federal Way Schools districts about their strategies to increase attendance including a focus on Tier 1 supports. We’ll have resources to support your attendance efforts. Free Equity Clock Hours are available.  


Systems & Interventions Presentation

Systems & Interventions Resource Sheet

March 13, 2024 | Financial Literacy & Asset-based Engagement

Financial Literacy & Asset-based Engagement

Personal finances impact our lives every day. We know that finances play an integral part in how we live our lives, how we relate to others, and the opportunities we have. How can we talk to students about finances? When is the best time? In this webinar we are bringing you Carly Urban, a leading researcher on financial education from Montana State University to share strategies for how students can avoid financial pitfalls, the impacts financial education has on students of color, and the role of course requirements. We also have a panel of financial education professionals to share how they’re implementing financial education strategies in schools and with the community, including specific strategies for migrant and English learners, what it looks like in Auburn School District, and cultural shifts in how we talk about money and ways you can support a healthy relationship with finances. Free Clock Hours are available.

Financial Literacy Presentation

Financial Literacy Resource Page


  • Carly Urban, Professor of Economics at Montana State University, Research Fellow at the Institute for Labor Economics
  • Minda Michelle Mattox, Community Relations, South Seattle & South King County WSECU
  • Julie DeBolt, Executive Director of Student Learning, Auburn School District
  • Ashley McGirt, Founder & CEO, Therapy Fund Foundation
February 14, 2024 | Easing Transitions

Easing Transitions

We all go through transitions and they can be some of the most challenging times of our lives. We know that changing schools is a particularly stressful time. We want to share with you some strategies to make transitions more comfortable so you can offer timely support that sets the groundwork for a sense of inclusion and belonging. We’re bringing you Rashad Norris, to help outline the system supports you can have in place and a panel representing various student groups to share with you strategies that are particularly helpful for those student groups. Free Clock Hours are available. 

Easing Transitions Presentation

Easing Transitions Resource Pages


  • Rashad Norris, Founder and President of Relevant Engagement, Director of Community Engagement at Highline College
  • Annie Blackledge, Assistant Director of Policy, OSPI
  • Ada Daniels, Lead Institutional Schools Prog Supervisor, OSPI 
  • Melissa Rilette Burnce, McKinny Vento Training Supervisor, OSPI  
  • Jalayna Watkins, Developmental Disabilities Region 1 Children’s Transitional Coordinator and Liaison, Developmental Disabilities Agency 
  • Amanda Rodriguez, Educational Advocate Coordinator, ESD 105  
January 10, 2024 | Mentoring Educators for Diversity & Inclusion 

Mentoring Educators for Diversity & Inclusion  

We want to see diverse educators experience success as educators in Washington. But what does it take to retain educators? We’ll share with you some tips from Washington’s NAKIA Academy, where they are supporting diverse educators through shared professional development, and mentoring. We’ll have Teacher of the Year Brooke Brown to talk about what you can do to set your new educators up for success and structures that systematize a culture of support that you can use. We’ll also have guests from Franklin Pierce School District to talk about their experiences being mentored and what any school can do to offer meaningful support. Free Clock Hours are available.  

Mentoring Educators Presentation Slides

Resource Sheet - Mentoring Educators Webinar


  • Katie Taylor, Director of Educator Effectiveness, OSPI 
  • Bawaajigekwe Boulley, BEST Program Supervisor, OSPI  
  • Brooke Brown, Teacher of the Year 2020-2021
  • Kim Bond, Eighth Grade English Language Arts teacher at Keithley Middle School in Parkland
  • LaVinea Harvey, “Lovi”, Elementary school teacher at Franklin Pierce School District 
December 13, 2023 | Organizational Wellness for Equity

Organizational Wellness for Equity

What keeps staff members coming back year after year? What are the administrative moves that create a culture of wellness? If you’re looking for some fresh ideas on how to think about organizational wellness not just at an individual level but as a holistic experience, you’ll want to attend this webinar. We’re bringing you OSPI’s Mental Health Program Supervisor Lead, Bridget Underdahl to talk about what it takes to create a systems approach to wellness that’s grounded in educational equity. We’ll have a panel of practitioners to share examples of how this work has evolved in Central Kitsap School District and in Seattle Public Schools and we’ll offer you intentional tools, resources, and structures to help you get started. Free Clock Hours are available.  

Organizational Wellness Presentation

Organizational Wellness Resources

  • Andrea Bowman, Assistant Director of Student Services, Central Kitsap School District 
  • Jeanne Beckon, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Central Kitsap Schools​
  • Shane Baguyo, Wellness Manager, Seattle Public Schools 
  • Bridget Underdahl, Mental Health Systems Program Supervisor Lead​, OSPI
  • Julee Christianson, Project AWARE Program Supervisor, OSPI
  • Jocelyn Núñez, Student Engagement & Support Program Supervisor, OSPI
  • Kefi Andersen, System Improvement Program Supervisor & Team Lead, OSPI ​
November 8, 2023 | Tier I Solutions for Student Well-being

Tier I Solutions for Student Well-being

Not all supports need to be offered to everyone, and not all supports have to be offered to individual students either. But what do group supports look like? Who offers them? How does that work with a school schedule? We want to share with you ideas on ways you can level up your tier II supports. Learn about the strategic team staffing that will provide greater access to resources. We’ll be hosting University of Washington’s Rachel Barret and her colleague Debra Limon to share some pro tips to inspire you. We’ll also have a panel of practitioners to share what this work looks like in Ocosta, and Burlington-Edison. Free Clock Hours are available through pdEnroller

Tier II Solutions Presentation

Tier II Solutions Resource Page


  • Debra Limon, Director, Tiered Tools
  • Nicholas French, Director of Teaching  & Learning & Special Services, Ocosta School District
  • Erika Aldridge, School Counselor, Burlington-Edison School District
  • Laycee Weier, School Social Worker, Richland School District
  • Nikki York, School Social Worker and Behavioral Health Program Supervisor, OSPI
  • Christian Stark, Behavioral Health & Suicide Prevention Program Supervisor, OSPI
  • Kefi Andersen, System Improvement Program Supervisor Lead, OSPI
October 11, 2023 | Restorative Practices


Restorative Practices

Restorative practices offer opportunities for transformational positive school climate and alternatives to traditional disciplinary action. Individuals within a community are most capable of sustaining change when they feel engaged and can develop a sense of belonging. Restorative practices which focus on resolving conflict, repairing harm, and healing relationships through a foundation of integrated and preventative social emotional strategies, have been shown to prevent bullying and reduce disciplinary incidents in school. Presented by Briana Kelly, the OSPI Assistant Director of Restorative Practices and Student Discipline, we are bringing you Dr. Lori Lynass, the Executive Director of Sound Supports, to talk about the advice she shares with school staff about implementing restorative practices. She will be joined by our practitioner panel from the Franklin Pierce School District to talk about their experiences as restorative justice facilitators. 



September 13, 2023 | Family Engagement Best Practices

Family Engagement Best Practices

The most crucial contribution to a child's success in school and in life is to support their education. Research demonstrates that parental attitudes and ideas about education, independent of household income or level of education, can have a significant impact on children's academic success. The ideal family-school involvement strategy goes beyond information sharing and frequent newsletters and email blasts. Instead, family-school involvement is an ongoing partnership that includes open communication that honors family voice, mutual understanding, the development of trust, and fostering culturally responsive family partnerships. When it's effective, family-school engagement welcomes community relationships and input, bringing in community-based organizations, families, caregivers, and school teams that all share a commitment to ensuring that students have the best experiences and outcomes possible. We’re bringing you Dr. Trise Moore, the President & Senior Consultant for The Family Outreach & Engagement Network to talk about the advice she shares with schools to craft authentic connections to families. We’ll also have practitioners with us to talk about their experiences in the Auburn and Highline School Districts. Free Clock Hours are available.



  • Dr. Trise Moore, President & Senior Consultant, The Family Outreach & Engagement Network
  • Dixie Grunenfelder, Executive Director, Student Engagement & Support, OSPI
  • Isaiah Johnson, Executive Director of Equity & Family Engagement, Auburn School District
  • Lolita O’Donnell, Director of Family & Community Partnerships, Highline School District
  • Kefi Andersen, System Improvement Program Supervisor Lead, Student Engagement & Support, OSPI


  • Dr. Trise Moore, President & Senior Consultant, The Family Outreach & Engagement Network
  • Dixie Grunenfelder, Executive Director, Student Engagement & Support, OSPI
  • Isaiah Johnson, Executive Director of Equity & Family Engagement, Auburn School District
  • Lolita O’Donnell, Director of Family & Community Partnerships, Highline School District
  • Kefi Andersen, System Improvement Program Supervisor Lead, Student Engagement & Support, OSPI