Teacher/Principal Evaluation Program

TPEP Office Hours

TPEP Office Hours will pause for the summer and return in August.

Email TPEP with any questions you may have in the meantime.


Do you ever wonder what a student growth goal conference might look like between an evaluator and a teacher using the revised student growth goals? View Revised Student Growth Goals: A modeled elementary conference.

Contact Information

The Teacher and Principal Evaluation and Growth Program (TPEP) is based on these core principles:

  • High quality teaching and leading are key to student success.
  • Growth in practice is developmental in nature.
  • Growth occurs best when there are clear standards of practice supported by quality professional learning and learning-focused feedback.
  • Evaluation systems should reflect and address the career continuum.
  • The focus for teacher and principal growth should be driven by student learning needs.

Evaluation Guidance for 2024-25

For information and guidance on following the established evaluation procedures, please consult Bulletin 020-24 and consult the TPEP FAQ page. Of particular note this year would be the following, which are detailed in the Bulletin:

  • The Final Revised Student Growth Goal Rubrics are required for use in all teachers' evaluations in the 2024-25 school year. Only the revised Student Growth Goals will appear on the website and in eVAL starting August 2024. For more information and resources, please visit the Student Growth page.
  • The timeline for the required use of the 2022 updated Framework for Teaching for Danielson has been extended to the 2025-26 school year.  All districts that use the Danielson instructional framework will be required to use the 2022 updated Framework for Teaching in their 2025-26 school year evaluation.  In August of 2025, the evaluation materials aligned to the 2011 version of the Danielson Group’s instructional framework will be taken off our website, will be removed from eVAL, and will no longer be available for use in evaluations. For information and resources please visit the Danielson Framework page.
  • The School Employee Evaluation Survey which collects evaluation data from the 2023-2024 school year will not open until Winter of 2024 and will close Spring of 2025. The categories on this survey are the same as in previous years so districts can compile data prior to the survey being open. Please consult the SEES FAQ for more information.


eVAL will be undergoing a process to make the platform ADA compliant. Under the advisement of the TPEP Steering Committee, OSPI is convening a technical advisory committee to provide input and guidance on the work of making eVAL ADA compliant. Districts will continue to have access to eVAL in its current form while the work of transitioning occurs. Once we have a clear timeline and transition plan, we will communicate it via GovDelivery and a Bulletin.