
Washington State Science K-12 Learning Standards logo

ESD Regional Science Coordinators

Contact your Educational Service District Regional Science Coordinator.

Contact Information

Secondary Science
Johanna Brown

Elementary Science
Kimberley Astle

Science Assessment

Science offices at OSPI provide guidance for the development and implementation of Washington learning standards and oversee assessments required by federal and state laws and regulations.

Science Learning Standards

The state's K-12 Science Learning Standards describe what students should know and be able to do at each grade band.


The ClimeTime initiative provides grants to professional learning partners who train science teachers to use the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), specifically the climate science learning standards.

Outdoor Education for All Program

The Washington State Legislature funded the House Bill (HB) 2078, Outdoor Learning Grants Program with the goal to develop and support outdoor educational experiences for students in Washington public schools.


Access information and resources about the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS)
