Data Displays

Districts share information with OSPI that goes beyond what is hosted on Washington State Report Card. Our data team looks at these additional data points and creates displays for stakeholders that would like to dive deeper into Washington K12 data. Each selection below houses a Tableau data display, a link to the data used for download, and context to help users understand the data better. 

If there are any displays you would like to see beyond what we have published, email a request to our Student Information team.


High School Student Course Outcomes

To further conversations around equitable grading processes and our understanding of the impact of COVID-19, we released data on course outcomes that can be looked at by race and ethnicity, as well as other student characteristics and experiences.

These data have been organized in a way to help identify and acknowledge the life experiences of students of different backgrounds, cultures, and identities, so we can better serve them. This data display specifically focuses on those courses that resulted in no credits earned because of the impact this can have on high school graduation.

Important notes about this data display:

  • Includes students enrolled in grades 9 through 12.
  • 2021 data are preliminary, incomplete, and subject to change. Course outcomes for spring courses will not be finalized until Fall 2021; We will update the display in October 2021 to incorporate final course outcomes for the 2019-20 school year.
  • Incomplete was allowed as a valid course outcome starting in the 2019-20 school year
  • Includes all courses students in the State of Washington with a valid course code (including non-core content areas).
  • We aim to publish district-level data the week of June 21, 2021.

If you have questions about the data or need assistance navigating the data validation display, please email our Student Information team.

COVID-19 Data Displays

On March 13th, 2020, Governor Inslee closed all in-person instruction in Washington State schools due to the novel coronavirus COVID-19. As our state and nation continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, OSPI is dedicated to releasing student performance data with context to help stakeholders understand these unique reports.

The following data are a snapshot of student performance from September 1st to February 28th, 2020. These data represent what was happening in schools and districts before the lockdown. These data represent the closest comparison for year-to-year data analysis for the 2019-2020 school year.

If you have questions about the data or need assistance navigating the data visualization, please email our Report Card team.

Monthly Enrollment and Absences

Each month during the school year, Washington’s public K–12 school districts count how many students are enrolled in classes. These data tell us which communities are growing, how many students are taking advantage of alternative learning and dual credit opportunities, which areas should be thinking about building new or expanding current school buildings, and more.

The data are also used to determine the amount of state funding districts will receive to pay for the staffing, materials, technology, and other supports that help our students succeed.

If you have questions about the data or need assistance navigating the data visualization, please email Student Information team.

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) School Reopening Data

As our state and nation continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington's schools are working closely with local health authorities to determine the right mode of instructional delivery for their community. Every week, each public school district, state-tribal education compact school, and charter school is required to submit data on their current reopening status to OSPI.

The data are posted to the OSPI website and updated weekly (each Wednesday) to reflect each district's current instructional delivery model, including which student groups they are serving through in-person learning. If you have questions about the data or need assistance navigating the data visualization, please email Student Information team.

Substitute Teachers Hiring and Compensation

Substitute Teachers Hiring and Compensation Data Collection 

OSPI is required per RCW 28A.300.615 to collect the following five pieces of information about substitute teachers who were hired at each district regardless of duration or frequency of employment per school year.

  1. The number of substitute teachers hired per school year; 
  2. The number of hours worked by each substitute teacher; 
  3. The number of substitute teachers that received benefits under the school employees' benefits board; 
  4. The full daily compensation rate per substitute teacher; and 
  5. The reason for hiring the substitute teacher. 

Substitute Teacher Data Collection Display | Data download

The following data displays summarize at the state, ESD, district, and locale levels. They also include substitute teachers' demographics, years of teaching experience, and geographic location. These data will be used to better understand districts' hiring and compensation for long-term and short-term staffing needs. It can also be used to analyze support and resource needs for effective hiring, support, development, and retention of substitute teachers. 

Important notes about this data display: 

These data were provided by districts from the previous school year  Substitute teachers may work in more than one district and for more than one reason. Substitute teachers are counted once per district, per reason for hire.  Not all districts have substitute teachers  Not all districts responded to OSPI's request to fulfill the data collection  OSPI is developing an application for districts to provide substitute teacher data with validation measures. OSPI reports all figures as reported by districts, after applying data entry validations rules
Graduation Pathways

House Bill 1599 (HB1599) was passed in Spring 2019. The bill established graduation pathways and clarified and strengthened the role of the High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP) to ensure that the activities that students engage in during their high school career align with their goals after high school. The graduation pathways are not alternatives to the high school statewide assessment, ways to track students or a compliance activity.

“The pathway options…are intended to provide a student with multiple pathways to graduating with a meaningful high school diploma that are tailored to the goals of the student. A student may choose to pursue one or more of the pathway options…but any pathway option used by a student to demonstrate career and college readiness must be in alignment with the student's high school and beyond plan.” (HB1599)

In addition to completing at least one graduation pathway aligned with the postsecondary goals, students must also earn 24 credits and complete their High School and Beyond Plan to meet all statewide graduation requirements.