Enrollment Data Display

P223 Enrollment Dashboard

The dashboard below displays the enrollment reported by all Washington Local Education Agencies (LEA’s), used for calculating funding based on the legislatively mandated prototypical school funding formula. (RCW 28A.150.260)

LEA’s report enrollment monthly on the P223 for the months of September through June. They report student enrollment using student headcount and full time equivalent (FTE). These are reported at the school level. Most of the LEA’s funding is based on the annual average FTE (AAFTE) reported, while annual average headcount for the months October through June is used to fund the special education and transitional bilingual instruction programs.

For more information on the data presented below and the rules for reporting enrollment for state funding, refer to the annual Enrollment Handbooks posted on the Enrollment Instruction Reporting web page.

Use the filters below to select District, School and School Year. To see data at the District level, select “all” in the school filter. Click on the buttons to switch views.