Graduation Pathways Display
Contact Information
If you have any questions about these data or the visualization, please contact the Assessment Analyst Team.
HB 1599 (2019) established different graduation pathways options as part of statewide high school graduation requirements. Graduation pathways focus on providing evidence that a student is ready for their next step after high school. The graduation pathway(s) a student completes must be aligned with their postsecondary goal as described in their High School and Beyond Plan.
Annual Report Requirements
- Which pathways are available to students at each school district
- Number of students using each graduation pathway for graduation purposes
- Disaggregate the student population in each pathway by race, ethnicity, gender, and receipt of free or reduced-price lunch
The Class of 2020 was the first graduating class required to meet one or more graduation pathways. The Data Display below has been updated to include the class of 2022. More information is available on our Class of 2022 Graduation Pathway Snapshot.