Student Support and Academic Enrichment (Title IV, Part A)

24-25 Application Supports

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The Student Support and Academic Enrichment (Title IV, Part A) program provides funding to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing school district capacity to:

  • Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
  • Improve school conditions for student learning; and
  • Increase the use of technology to enhance the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

For the 2024-25 school year, Washington received approximately $22 million. OSPI distributes funds via formula allocations to all eligible school districts.


2022-23 Title IV, Part A Program Overview

Local educational agencies (LEAs) implementing a Title IV, Part A program are required to annually complete a state report regarding how funds were used and to what extent they accomplished annual goals. Review the 2022-23 Title IV, Part A Program Overview for information on how LEAs categorized activities funded by Title IV, Part A, and examples of how LEAs described a success resulting from Title IV, Part A funding.

2023 Stronger Connections Grant

OSPI received funding from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to award Stronger Connections Grants (SCG) to high-need LEAs on a competitive basis. SCG is specifically targeted for activities aligned with the Safe and Healthy Students program purpose of Title IV, Part A.

In June 2023, OSPI announced awards to 26 school districts totaling $15 million over three years. The competition is now closed. Review the official OSPI press release for additional information.


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