
ClimeTime Media & Videos

View several ClimeTime Media articles and videos showcasing some of the activities of the WA climate learning.

Contact Information


Johanna Brown



Kimberley Astle



Elizabeth Schmitz


The ClimeTime initiative provides grants to professional learning partners who train science teachers to use the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), specifically the climate science learning standards (Senate Bill 5092, Section 522). Funding flows through all nine educational service districts (ESDs), tribal schools, community-based nonprofit organizations (CBOs), and community-based nonprofit tribal education organizations (CBTEOs).

The Washington State Legislature confirmed its commitment to climate science teacher training by allocating $6M for the 2022–23 biennium, in addition to the $10M allocated in 2018.

2022-23 Grant Opportunity

The ClimeTime School Program prioritizes project plans that support anti-racism efforts, and increasing student equity and inclusion, professional learning and student engagement in communities historically underserved by science education, innovative project designs for climate science, and more!

Grant awards will be in the range of $25,000 to $35,000 per project.

Learning Standards

Washington faces serious impacts to its snowpack, infrastructure, and water supplies as the climate changes and temperatures climb. Protecting our state's fish, farms, and communities from the impacts of climate change is a priority for Ecology. To take meaningful steps toward addressing climate change, states, cities, counties, and private businesses and organizations need to collaborate to find solutions.

-State of Washington Department of Ecology

Professional Learning Opportunities

ClimeTime Resources


National and State Resources

Below is a sampling of a few national resources that aren't comprehensive.

Instructional Materials and Resources

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)


OER Commons


Resources for Hope

Students and educators can feel daunted by the many challenges posed by climate change. This section provides a sampling of resources to support classroom learning.