Parent Involvement
Successful family involvement relies on meaningful collaboration between youth, families, schools, employers, and agencies. Successful partnerships reflect an understanding of the great diversity among families and differences in cultural and socioeconomic conditions. Research has shown that not only does family involvement increase academic achievement, as reflected in higher test scores and graduation rates, but it also increases the likelihood that youth will pursue higher education (Henderson & Berla, 1994).
Technical assistance resources on this page include research, articles, tools, templates, technical assistance centers, and Web sites. (Note: Use of the resources included on this site does not guarantee that the district’s performance or determination status under section 616(d), will improve for the next reporting period.)
Parent Involvement (Indicator 8)
- Improving Relationships and Results: Building Family/School Partnerships – The intent of this curriculum is to provide evidence-based interventions that schools can use to improve their relationships with families. These ready-to-go modules were developed in close cooperation with the Future of School Psychology Task Force on Family School Partnerships. It is our hope that schools will actively use these materials as part of an overall coordinated effort to build and enhance effective practices that improve relationships as well as student results.
- Engaging Parents in Education: Lessons from Five Parental Information and Resource Centers (U.S. Department of Education/WestEd, 6/07) – Second publication in the latest Innovations in Education series - Engaging Parents in Education: Lessons from Five Parental Information and Resource Centers. This series identifies innovative and successful education programs across the country that are closing the achievement gap.
- Emerging Issues in School, Family, & Community Connections, Annual Synthesis 2001 (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2001) – The issues highlighted in this synthesis represent critical areas of work in family and community connections with schools where clarification, agreement, and further development are needed, as well as promising new directions that are emerging.
- A New Wave of Evidence: The Impact of School, Family, and Community Connections on Student Achievement, Annual Synthesis 2002 (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2002) – Many policymakers, administrators, and funders ask for evidence that parent involvement helps student achievement, including test scores. This report provides some useful answers.
- Diversity: School, Family, & Community Connections, Annual Synthesis 2003 (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2003) – This research synthesis is the third in a series of reports to help local school, community, and family leaders obtain useful research-based information about key educational issues. This synthesis addresses diversity as it relates to student achievement and school, family, and community connections.
- Readiness – School, Family & Community Connections, Annual Synthesis 2004 (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2004) – This synthesis explores the research addressing three major questions related to children’s readiness and family, school, and community connections.
- Families and Educators Working Together Website (Washington State Needs Project – through the Washington Education Association (WEA)) – Provides information and support to families, educators, and community members who have an interest in locating and understanding special education services.
- Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment Website (PAVE) – Non-profit organization that shares information and resources with people whose lives are linked to children and adults with disabilities.
- Center for the Improvement of Student Learning Website – Reviews and shares educational research, creates instructional tools, and develops policy recommendations that promote best practices to help educators, parents and community leaders build partnerships that improve schools, engage families and increase student learning and development.
- Guidance for Families on Special Education Topics (Designed by Special Education Parent Liaison) – This website provides parent resources and information related to How Special Education Works, Parent and Student Rights, Individualized Education Programs, Behavior and Discipline, Disagreements and Complaints about Special Education, and much more.