Turnip the Beet
Contact Information
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Turnip the Beet award recognizes outstanding summer meal program sponsors across the country who work to offer high-quality meals to children that are appetizing, appealing, and nutritious.
Summer Meal Programs, including both the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO), help close the hunger gap while school is not session during the summer months. Nutritious meals help promote growth, development, and keep children ready to learn when school resumes in the fall.
Applications must be submitted to OSPI by September 8!
- Turnip the Beet Nomination Form (Note: a menu must be submitted with the nomination form)
- One-page Overview of Award
- USDA’s Turnip the Beet web page
Submit your Nomination Form & Menu, via email, to Summer Meals.
SFSP or SSO sponsor in good standing
Operate during summer 2024
- Feature appetizing, appealing, and nutritious meals that include the following:
- Locally Produced vegetables, fruits, grains, milk, or meat/meat alternates are served as part of the reimbursable meal and promoted as local foods at least one time per week, per meal type.
- Entrees repeat two (2) times or fewer per month, per meal type.
- Bonus: Entree types (for example: sandwiches; pasta dishes; breaded poultry dishes) are repeated two (2) times or fewer per week, per meal type.
- Menu includes at least one (1) hot food item per week, per meal type.
- At least four (4) different vegetables and/or fruits are served per week, per meal type.
- Bonus: At least one (1) serving each of dark green vegetables, red and orange vegetables, beans and peas (legumes), starchy vegetables, and other vegetables is served per week.
- Fifty (50) percent or more of vegetables and fruits are fresh per week, per meal type.
- Juice is served to meet the fruit and vegetable component two (2) times or fewer per week, per meal type.
- Fifty (50) percent or more of grains served are whole grain-rich per week, per meal type. (e.g., the grain content of a product is between 50 and 100 percent whole grain with any remaining grains being enriched)
- Grain-based desserts (e.g., cookies, cakes, brownies, fruit turnovers, doughnuts, toaster pastries, or sweet rolls) are served two (2) times or fewer per week, per meal type (e.g., if a summer site serves breakfast and snack, a grain-based dessert is served at no more than two (2) breakfast meals and two (2) snacks per week).
- Bonus: Grain-based desserts are not served.
- Only low-fat (1%) or fat-free dairy milks are served to children aged 2 and older. If one-year-old children attend the summer site, they are served whole milk.
- Water is available at no cost. (Applies to congregate sites only.)