Title I, Part A Program Models

Title I, Part A services are delivered in programs that take one of two forms: targeted assistance programs or schoolwide programs.

Schoolwide Program

Schoolwide Programs allow a school to consolidate its federal, state, and local funds to upgrade the entire educational program. The focus of the program must be on addressing the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting state student academic achievement standards. Any school with a poverty average of at least 40% (or if the building has applied for and received a waiver from OSPI) may operate a Schoolwide Program.

Schoolwide Program Materials

Targeted Assistance Program

Targeted Assistance Programs help students meet state standards and guide systematic improvement. The programs must use Title I, Part A funds to provide academic services to children who are identified as failing or at risk of failing to meet state standards. The school makes this determination based on multiple, educationally related, objective criteria, and places students on a rank order list. Any school with a poverty average of at least 35% or the district's poverty average (whichever is lower) is eligible to operate a Targeted Assistance Program.

Targeted Assistance Program Materials
