Obtaining a Carrier Profile

Pursuant to WAC 392-144-145, every contract between a school district and a charter bus carrier or excursion carrier, or subcontracted carrier shall require a carrier profile report indicating a satisfactory rating from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission before any service is provided. No driver under this subsection shall have unsupervised access to children. Supervision of children under this subsection shall be provided by a responsible employee of the school district.

To obtain a safety rating on a charter bus carrier or excursion carrier from the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC), please do the following:

Submit an email request to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Or you can contact the WUTC at 360-664-1244.

In your request, please provide the following:

  • The name and email address of the person requesting the carrier profile.
  • The school district name.
  • The name of the carrier company and its WUTC charter bus permit number. The permit number can be obtained from the charter bus company applying for the contract.

You may review the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission's listing of carriers that hold active WUTC permits. Cancelled permits are not included and a carrier profile report is needed prior to services. For more information, email CarrierProfileRequests@utc.wa.gov or call 360-664-1244.