CIP Codes

Below you'll find Career and Technical Education (CTE) Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes and Vocational codes (V-code).


CTE V-Codes are tied to the certification code and dictate the courses that a teacher is certified to teach. The teachers’ education or industry experience is reviewed to determine the V-codes for certification.

CIP Code

CIP Codes are federally accepted course codes that identify courses taught throughout the United States, including CTE courses. CIP codes are aligned to V-codes that clarify which courses the teacher has been certified to teach. CIP codes are also used for reporting purposes from the district to OSPI. See the 2023-24 CIP Code Chart for more information.

Please Note: Nontraditional Gender Identification indicates CTE Courses designated as preparing students for non-traditional fields based upon the indicator on the CIP code chart, and the student’s gender.

  • M= Male
  • F= Female
  • U= Undefined
CIP Code State Code V-Code Course Name Cluster Pathway CTSO Program Area Nontraditional Gender Identification Exploratory or Preparatory CIP Course Description
220001 12054, 104164 V078000,
Business Law Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (12) Legal Services FBLA Business and Marketing Education U E A general course that focuses on law and new issues from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities. Includes instruction in the theory and practice of the legal system, including the statutory, administrative, and judicial components of civil and criminal law. (Up to 180 hours.)
220301 12054, 104164 V078000,
Legal Administrative Assistant Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (12) Legal Services FBLA Business and Marketing Education M P A course that prepares individuals to serve as legal office managers, special assistants, and legal secretaries. Includes instruction in office management, secretarial science, principles of U.S. or Canadian law, legal terminology and documentation, legal research, legal software applications, law office procedures, recordkeeping, billing, applicable policies and regulations, and professional standards and ethics.
228888 04998, 15248 V600097 Legal Professions and Studies Cooperative Worksite Experience Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (12) Legal Services FBLA Business and Marketing Education U E A learning experience in Legal Professions and Studies in which the student has completed or is concurrently enrolled in a Career and Technical Education course that is related to the cooperative experience placement. Cooperative worksite learning experiences must be a direct extension of a qualifying class and should be connected to the student’s high school and beyond plan. WAC 392-410-315 outlines regulations for granting credit for cooperative work-based learning experiences. (Minimum 360 Hours = 1 Credit)
231101 01156, 01101, 01102, V078000,
Technical Communication Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications (3) Journalism and Broadcasting FBLA Business and Marketing Education U E A course that focuses on the theory, methods, and skills needed for writing and editing scientific, technical and business papers and monographs. (Up to 180 hours.)
260102 03066, 14251, 14999, 14299 V260102,
Biomedical Sciences, General Health Sciences (8) Biotechnology Research and Development HOSA
Health Sciences U E A general Program that focuses on the integrative scientific study of biological issues related to health and medicine. Instruction encompasses a variety of biological disciplines.
260103 3053, 3054, 3055, 03067, 14299, 14999 V260102,
Biomedical Body Systems Health Sciences (8) Biotechnology Research and Development HOSA
Health Sciences U E A program that focuses on the organization, structure, function, and interactions of body systems as they explore identity, power, movement, protection, and homeostasis. (Aligns with Project Lead the Way course “Human Body Systems.”)
260104 14255, 14999, 14299 V260102 Biomedical Innovation Health Sciences (8) Biotechnology Research and Development HOSA
Health Sciences M P Students design innovative solutions for the health challenges of the 21st century. They work through progressively challenging open-ended problems, addressing topics such as clinical medicine, physiology, biomedical engineering, and public health. They have the opportunity to work on an independent project with a mentor or advisor from a university, hospital, research institution, or the biomedical industry. Throughout the course, students are expected to present their work to an audience of STEM professional. This course is designed for the 12th grade students.
261201 18308 V010000,
Agricultural Biotechnology Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (1) Biotechnology Systems FFA Agricultural Education U E A program that focuses on the application of the biological sciences, biochemistry, and genetics to the preparation of new and enhanced agricultural, environmental, clinical, and industrial products, including the commercial exploitation of microbes, plants, and animals. Includes instruction in bioinformatics, gene identification, phylogenetic and comparative genomics, bioinorganic chemistry, immunoassaying, DNA sequencing, xenotransplantation, genetic engineering, industrial microbiology, drug and biologic development enzyme-based production processes, patent law, biotechnology management and marketing, applicable regulations, and biotechnology ethics.
261202 14252, 14299, 14999 V261202,
Health Science Biotechnology Health Sciences (8) Biotechnology Research and Development HOSA
Health Sciences U P A program that focuses on the application of biological sciences, biochemistry, and genetics to health care. Includes instruction bioinformatics, gene identification, biochemistry, DNA sequencing, genetic engineering, industrial microbiology, drug and biologic developments, patent law, biotechnology management, marketing and ethic, and applicable regulations. “Aligns with the sequence of Project Lead the Way courses that include Medical Intervention, Biomedical Innovations, and Biology & Biomedical Sciences Worksite Experience.”
261302 18306, 03005 V010000,
Marine Biology and Biological Oceanography Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (1) Natural Resource Systems FFA Agricultural Education U P A program that focuses on the scientific study of the ecology and behavior of microbes, plants, and animals inhabiting oceans, coastal waters, and saltwater wetlands and their interactions with the physical environment. Includes instruction in chemical, physical, and geological oceanography; molecular, cellular, and biochemical studies; marine microbiology; marine botany; ichthyology; mammalogy; marine population dynamics and biodiversity; reproductive biology; studies of specific species, phyla, habitats, and ecosystems; marine paleoecology and paleontology; and applications to fields such as fisheries science and biotechnology.