WIDA Consortium
Contact Information
Washington state joined the WIDA consortium in July 2021and uses standards and assessments, from this consortium, for English language development services and English language proficiency assessments. The WIDA consortium assessments measures a student's language proficiency against the English Language Development Standards, developed by the consortium. These standards correspond to Washington's content standards across content areas. The WIDA assessments measure English proficiency in the four domains of listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The test engine used to deliver the WIDA assessments is run through Data Recognition Corporation. The WIDA system includes embedded usability and accessibility tools and supports as well as accommodations features.
WIDA assessments used in Washington include:
- The WIDA Screener includes three testing options, WIDA Kindergarten Screener, WIDA Online Screener, and WIDA Paper Screener. The Kindergarten Screener is a paper-based, one-on-one test. All in-coming kindergarten students who are potentially eligible for English development services must take this test within 10 days of attending kindergarten in Washington State. Students in grades 1-12 will automatically take the online WIDA Screener unless they have an accommodation for the paper screener. All students whose families include any language other than English in their response to questions #2 or #3 on the Home Language Survey will screen on one of the WIDA Screener assessments.
- The WIDA ACCESS test is administered annually to students who receive English language development services. Results from this test determine which students are eligible to continue receiving these services. This test is typically administered in February and March each year.
- The WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS is a paper-based test administered annually to students in kindergarten who receive English language development services. Results from this test determine which students are eligible to continue receiving these services. This test is typically administered in February and March each year.
- The WIDA Alternate ACCESS is a paper-based test administered annually to multilingual learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities in place of the WIDA ACCESS or WIDA Kindergarten ACCESS assessments.
Professional Development
The WIDA consortium had professional development opportunities available to Washington State district staff through the WIDA Secure Portal.