Disciplinary Action Notices

Notification of denial, surrender, suspension, or revocation of certificates (January 2000-Current Date).

Per WAC 181-86-185, "The superintendent of public instruction shall notify all other states whenever an applicant has been denied a certificate for failure to possess good moral character or personal fitness or whenever a certificate has been suspended, surrendered, or revoked and shall provide the full name and certificate number, if applicable, to the agency responsible for certification in each state. The superintendent of public instruction shall notify appropriate public or private school officials within the state the name and certification number of all certificate holders whose certificates have been suspended, surrendered, or revoked."

For more information email Investigations, or call 360-725-6130


Pursuant to the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), OSPI has redacted exempt information in these documents. The most common redactions include the following: state employee personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers; student personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, parent names.

If you require a complete redaction log, please contact the Public Disclosure Office.

Name Certificate Number Action Taken Date of Action
O'Reilly, Seamus 445533C Suspension 7/7/2021
Officer, Brandon 538804F Voluntary Surrender 10/23/2020
Olmsted, Alden B 211379C Voluntary Surrender 11/17/2004
Ostrer, David 331023B Agreed Order of Suspension 5/17/2013
Ott, Jr. 446633J Voluntary Surrender 3/18/2019
Otteson, Ralph (Rick) W. 241626A Surrender 7/16/2014
Overman-Swift, Kathleen 234486R Reinstatement 9/17/2009
Overman-Swift, Kathleen 234486R Suspension 2/14/2008
Owen, Mark 293474C Reinstatement 8/23/2013
Owen, Mark 293474C Suspension 6/18/2013
Oxenhandler, Wendy 404221D Voluntary Surrender 7/29/2008
O’Brien, Corry 281102D Suspension 9/11/2006
O’Hayre, Corey 497976A Voluntary Surrender 2/26/2019
O’Keefe, Timothy 405439A Denial of Application 4/12/2002
Pack, Kimber Lee 445279C Suspension 9/22/2015
Pairadee, Donna Denial 10/15/2013
Paker, Aaron 369149J Reinstatement 5/4/2006
Paker, Aaron 369149J Suspension 1/5/2006
Panter, James 455183D Suspension 12/18/2012
Parker, Natalie 314344C Voluntary Surrender 9/6/2002
Partee, Rodney 102976H Voluntary Surrender 7/10/2002
Parvey, Lisa Marie 368280D Suspension 7/6/2011
Parvey, Lisa Marie 368280D Reinstatement 12/1/2011
Patterson, Mark 240589B Suspension 1/28/2002
Pauls, Clarence 256711C Revocation 9/18/2007
Paulsen, Timothy 309422D Suspension 3/9/2009
Paz-Flores, Ramon 373114H Suspension 11/22/2006
Paz-Flores, Ramon 373114H Reinstatement 11/19/2007
Pearson, Jennifer 443497C Denial of Application 5/25/2006
Pebles, Lynn 247894R Reinstatement 7/1/2003
Pebles, Lynn 247894R Suspension 1/20/2003
Pedersen, Matthew D 419340E Suspension 4/30/2012
Pederson, Richard 056243R Voluntary Surrender 6/23/2005
Peer, Lynn L 353352H Revocation 2/8/2005
Peppard, Matthew 326268J Permanent Revocation 9/20/1995
Perez, Wesley 487101H Permanent Revocation 1/28/2020
Perry, Richard 133896A Voluntary Surrender 8/27/2020
Peterson, Jamey 423461C Suspension 7/16/2014
Peterson, Dennis 198980E Revocation 5/3/2002
Peterson, Larry 255097H Suspension 3/19/2009
Peterson, Gary D 250200C Suspension 12/13/2004
Petkovits, Martin 334458G Voluntary Surrender 7/8/2002
Pforr, Michelle 423456C Suspension 11/14/2005
Phillips, Wesley 414364J Voluntary Surrender 4/17/2012
Phillips, Fontaine 415790E Voluntary Surrender 1/7/2019
Pickerel, William 106859B Permanent Revocation 10/13/2008
Pierson, Larry 192701A Revocation 10/16/2003
Pietsch, Debbie 447650C Reinstatement 8/13/2012
Pietsch, Debbie 447650C Suspension 7/10/2012
Pietz, Jeffrey 359643D Agreed Order of Suspension 9/5/2023
Piturachsatit, Nathan 390156H Permanent Revocation 10/18/2017
Plankey, Susan 298111F Suspension 12/2/2021
Plankey, Susan 298111F Reinstatement 1/3/2022
Point, Flavian 381267D Denial of Application 4/24/2000
Pollard, Jamie 436627D Suspension 6/29/2020
Pope, Garrett 557208F Voluntary Surrender 4/10/2023
Poppe, Jeffrey 258990A Reinstatement 6/28/2011
Poppe, Jeffrey 258990A Suspension 11/24/2010
Porto, Anthony 467260F Voluntary Surrender 6/28/2021
Powell, Bonnie 128118G Suspension 12/10/2003
Powell, Meredith C. 489643G Mandatory Permanent Revocation 11/12/2014
Pratt, James 209190H Voluntary Surrender 11/14/2005
Preston, Quentin 465989B Voluntary Surrender 2/11/2011
Price, Joel 358303F Reinstatement 5/13/2003
Price, Joel 358303F Suspension 3/13/2003
Priest, Coy 169878F Voluntary Surrender 3/3/2008
Priestley, Carri 366695E Reinstatement 8/29/2016
Priestley, Carri 366695E Suspension 6/29/2016
Priestley, Carri 366695E Suspension 10/1/2021
Pritchard, Sadie 410062D Revocation 3/9/2021
Prom, Anthony 339011R Permanent Revocation 3/23/2006
Prothero, Steven E 190473R Voluntary Surrender 10/20/2003
Pruss, James 222559G Reinstatement 8/19/2004
Pruss, James 222559G Suspension 7/26/2004
Pygott, Calvin 226356D Voluntary Surrender 10/13/2016
Quigley, Shelley 385757J Suspension 9/21/2020
Rachinski, Daryl 245878D Revocation 11/7/2013
Radovanovich, Tessa 482305J Voluntary Surrender 12/8/2020
Ramage, James C. 306238G Suspension 3/19/2014
Rapp, Curtis 360689D Permanent Revocation 6/6/2009
Rastovski, David 199817H Voluntary Surrender 4/25/2018
Reason, Lindell 314566A Suspension 4/16/2001
Reavis, Colton 529592H Voluntary Surrender 2/25/2019
Rees, John 324634E Voluntary Surrender 8/15/2023
Regan, Rachelle 484200A Voluntary Surrender 5/27/2022
Reiboldt, Tonie 350485R Permanent Revocation 2/2/2018
Reyes, Davin 447654E Voluntary Surrender 9/18/2020
Reyes, Fitzgerald 335470A Suspension 6/30/2005
Reynaud, Gordon 205615H Voluntary Surrender 6/20/2001
Reyne, Glenn 386626F Voluntary Surrender 9/13/2006
Reynolds, Scott 497748D Voluntary Surrender 3/19/2019
Rhoades, Daniel 432875C Revocation 10/6/2010
Rice, Jennifer 362105R Voluntary Surrender 9/21/2007
Richardson, Larry 228137F Denial 6/27/2011
Richardson, Larry 228137F Revocation 2/26/2010
Richman, Daniel 345232C Voluntary Surrender 11/7/2014
Richter, Jennifer 541142F Permanent Revocation 5/7/2019
Ridenour, Daniel 420413G Revocation 1/5/2009
Ridley, Charles 378493A Voluntary Surrender 5/17/2024
Rieke, Marcus 272986A Reinstatement 3/13/2003