Disciplinary Action Notices

Notification of denial, surrender, suspension, or revocation of certificates (January 2000-Current Date).

Per WAC 181-86-185, "The superintendent of public instruction shall notify all other states whenever an applicant has been denied a certificate for failure to possess good moral character or personal fitness or whenever a certificate has been suspended, surrendered, or revoked and shall provide the full name and certificate number, if applicable, to the agency responsible for certification in each state. The superintendent of public instruction shall notify appropriate public or private school officials within the state the name and certification number of all certificate holders whose certificates have been suspended, surrendered, or revoked."

For more information email Investigations, or call 360-725-6130


Pursuant to the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), OSPI has redacted exempt information in these documents. The most common redactions include the following: state employee personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers; student personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, parent names.

If you require a complete redaction log, please contact the Public Disclosure Office.

Name Certificate Number Action Taken Date of Action
Standley, Norman 112346B Revocation 4/30/2007
Starkel, Daniel 267057H Suspension 4/30/2004
Starkey, Joseph 432830H Permanent Revocation 10/4/2008
Stebbins, Randy 273636A Suspension 8/7/2020
Stebbins, Debra 519017H Suspension 5/4/2018
Stern, Karl 428263H Reinstatement 4/17/2017
Stern, Karl 428263H Suspension 4/1/2016
Stewart, Timothy 392773H Reinstatement 8/9/2011
Stewart, Timothy 392773H Suspension 7/8/2011
Stewart, Larry 147976E Voluntary Surrender 1/22/2007
Stiltner, Kirk F 203750E Revocation 8/28/2002
Stipulkosky, Heather 390066R Suspension 8/9/2018
Stone, James 286676B Permanent Revocation 9/11/2006
Storaci, Scott 325837C Reinstatement 8/19/2010
Storaci, Scott 325837C Suspension 7/2/2010
Strait, Ian 401708C Suspension 8/14/2018
Strait, Kevin 228411E Reinstatement 5/25/2010
Strait, Kevin 228411E Suspension 1/19/2010
Stratton, Michael G 122259E Voluntary Surrender 1/10/2001
Strawn, Donald 275207R Denial of Application 5/20/2003
Stretch, Shane 558829H Voluntary Surrender 9/18/2023
Stritmatter, Ande Rick 199795F Permanent Revocation 3/27/2006
Strong, Rick 365049F Revocation 3/26/2010
Stubbs, Wilford 331055D Reinstatement 8/4/2008
Stubbs, Wilford S 331055D Suspension 6/22/2005
Sukahskas, Ron 307932D Voluntary Surrender 12/28/2009
Sullivan, Kimberly G 328423R Reinstatement 8/8/2008
Sullivan, Kimberly G 328423R Suspension 4/8/2005
Summers, Brett 342983D Suspension 8/21/2003
Summers, Brett 342983D Reinstatement 12/15/2003
Sundahl, David 161490A Voluntary Surrender 12/14/1995
Sutton, Ginnie 346970G Suspension 6/12/2003
Sutton, Ginnie 346970G Reinstatement 12/15/2003
Swalstad, Robert 266215B Revocation 12/2/2005
Swerin, Rodney 259368R Voluntary Surrender 6/8/2015
Sweum, Richard N 288265B Revocation 7/25/2003
Swogger, Robert 469754F Final Order of Suspension 11/30/2023
Sybouts, Zachary 503736A Permanent Revocation 5/1/2018
Tachiyama, Jennifer 395155E Suspension 9/17/2014
Tachiyama, Jennifer 395155E Reinstatement 1/17/2017
Talley, Michael 261570F Denial 7/9/2010
Talley, Michael 261570F Voluntary Surrender 6/19/2000
Taruscio, Leonard 129255F Voluntary Surrender 1/23/2008
Taylor, John 216483H Reinstatement 9/7/2005
Taylor, Michele 378311E Reinstatement 8/22/2013
Taylor, Michele 378311E Suspension 8/21/2012
Taylor, Melissa 410060H Agreed Order of Suspension 7/1/2024
Taylor, John 216483H Suspension 3/3/2004
Teeter, David 368629B Voluntary Surrender 2/5/2021
Tenore, Michael 145206R Voluntary Surrender 10/21/2010
Thacker, Matthew 274904B Reinstatement 5/14/2008
Thacker, Matthew 274904B Suspension 4/2/2007
Thompson, William 336162C Voluntary Surrender 7/14/2010
Tjarnberg, Stephen 243137G Voluntary Surrender 10/29/2021
Todd, Brian 298360R Reinstatement 7/31/2006
Todd, Brian 298360R Suspension 5/11/2006
Todd, Rebekah 419121R Voluntary Surrender 2/15/2007
Toews, Steven 502917H Voluntary Surrender 5/7/2015
Trapp, David 135044F Reinstatement 5/3/2006
Trapp, David W 135044F Suspension 3/31/2006
Trina, Anthony 356571J Suspension 5/15/2008
Trudgeon, Richard 191058G Voluntary Surrender 6/20/2004
Trujillo, Charles 187524D Suspension 7/16/2009
Tucker, Christopher 420495D Voluntary Surrender 11/17/2020
Tupper, Craig 333278J Suspension 5/22/2006
Tupper, Craig 333278J Reinstatement 11/15/2006
Turya, David 276804B Permanent Revocation 7/22/1994
Tuttle, Michael 292670G Suspension 7/31/2003
Tuttle, Michael 292670G Reinstatement 5/30/2003
Ulrich, Michael J 310094H Voluntary Surrender 3/4/2005
Umbeck, Frederick 189727A Voluntary Surrender 7/5/2005
Unruh, Gordon 218540C Suspension 3/30/2017
Urio, Peter A 311801E Reinstatement 4/7/2005
Urio, Peter A 311801E Suspension 2/7/2005
Urquidez, Ruben 504927E Voluntary Surrender 7/27/2017
Valles, Richard 391576F Revocation 7/11/2003
Van Eaton, Michael 425548E Voluntary Surrender 11/3/2022
Van Pelt, Yvonne 480122A Reinstatement 8/18/2014
Van Pelt, Yvonne 480122A Suspension 7/2/2014
Van Valkenburg, Dale 461688D Suspension 5/19/2017
Vanmarter, Travis 384940C Reinstatement 8/15/2007
Vanmarter, Travis 384940C Suspension 4/2/2007
Vanmarter, Travis 384940C Voluntary Surrender 2/21/2018
Verkist, Bruce 167428B Order of Revocation 7/12/2013
Verver, Craig 356432E Voluntary Surrender 1/17/2019
Vetter, Gary 242783R Denial of Application 7/27/2009
Vetter, Gary 242783R Voluntary Surrender 3/7/2006
Victorino, Richard 457820R Permanent Revocation 9/21/2011
Wach, Elyse 504573G Suspension 6/29/2020
Wagner, Justine 496168F Voluntary Surrender 11/8/2017
Wakabayashi, Matthew 186074A Suspension 6/5/2007
Wales, Celah 456164C Reinstatement 6/16/2017
Wales, Celah 456164C Agreed Suspension 6/15/2016
Walker, Steven 340776D Reinstatement 8/21/2017
Walker, Jeffrey 592340D Voluntary Surrender 8/1/2023
Walker, Craig D 346843F Suspension 7/22/2003
Walker, Steven 340776D Suspension 3/31/2017
Walkup, Gary 230581A Reinstatement 6/4/2008
Walkup, Gary 230581A Suspension 12/3/2007
Ward, Lance A 339262H Voluntary Surrender 4/20/2000