Disciplinary Action Notices

Notification of denial, surrender, suspension, or revocation of certificates (January 2000-Current Date).

Per WAC 181-86-185, "The superintendent of public instruction shall notify all other states whenever an applicant has been denied a certificate for failure to possess good moral character or personal fitness or whenever a certificate has been suspended, surrendered, or revoked and shall provide the full name and certificate number, if applicable, to the agency responsible for certification in each state. The superintendent of public instruction shall notify appropriate public or private school officials within the state the name and certification number of all certificate holders whose certificates have been suspended, surrendered, or revoked."

For more information email Investigations, or call 360-725-6130


Pursuant to the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), OSPI has redacted exempt information in these documents. The most common redactions include the following: state employee personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers; student personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, parent names.

If you require a complete redaction log, please contact the Public Disclosure Office.

Name Certificate Number Action Taken Date of Action
McCracken, Sasha 427895H Suspension 11/16/2015
McCrea, Stephanie 437413H Permanent Revocation 12/9/2015
McCreary, Jody 376986F Revocation 12/31/2010
McDonald, Alan 195676B Revocation 4/8/1992
McDonald, John S 258653E Suspension 4/28/1997
McDonald, John M 278241E Permanent Revocation 12/2/2006
McDonald, James R 285041J Voluntary Surrender 11/21/1995
McDonald, John S 258653E Reinstatement 10/1/2001
McElliott, Robert 296757H Suspension 8/26/2020
McElliott, Robert 296757H Reinstatement 2/24/2021
McGaha, Bradley 353430B Permanent Revocation 5/25/2010
McGee, Phil 277400H Revocation 1/8/2007
McGill, Kelly L 358229C Voluntary Surrender 4/3/2001
McGivern, Kevin 398213R Denial of Application 1/25/2002
McKay, Christopher 447184C Revocation 8/30/2016
McKinney, Jacob 532942J Suspension 3/7/2018
McKinney, Christopher 392077D Voluntary Surrender 12/17/2007
McLarney, Richard 198096J Suspension 10/30/2013
McLean, Steven 225968G Suspension 8/13/2012
McLean, Steven 225968G Reinstatement 5/10/2012
McMillan, Stephanie 417129D Suspension 9/22/2020
McMillan, Stephanie 417129D Reinstatement 5/24/2023
McMillen, David 299998E Permanent Revocation 8/10/2015
Meade, John D 194903A Suspension 9/26/2001
Medley, Andrew 354847F Suspension 8/26/2021
Meidinger, Brian J 186280D Voluntary Surrender 10/24/2003
Mele, John None Assigned Denial 12/22/2010
Mendez, Edgar 528953C Revocation 6/10/2024
Michael, Roger 125902G Permanent Revocation 1/20/2008
Michaud, Jay 411310F Voluntary Surrender 1/18/2017
Miles, William 324954G Voluntary Surrender 10/10/2013
Miller, George M 238661C Revocation 4/27/2000
Miller, Herbert 259743C Voluntary Surrender 3/21/2012
Miller, Gerald Glenn 356054G Suspension 1/29/2013
Milleson, Elizabeth 463646J Voluntary Surrender 10/14/2016
Milliman, Scott 456409B Permanent Revocation 9/18/2009
Mills, Sean 333956A Suspension 1/4/2012
Milton, Matthew 435808A Reinstatement 7/30/2019
Milton, Matthew 435808A Suspension 3/25/2019
Miranda, Xavier M 323967J Suspension 2/10/2004
Mittring, Christian 541414R Voluntary Surrender 4/5/2019
Mixon, Franklin Denial of Application 8/8/2001
Mobley, James 323510H Permanent Revocation 3/19/2014
Moffit, Roy 380539G Reinstatement 6/9/2005
Moffit, Roy 380539G Revocation 12/16/2003
Mogk, Martin 412461F Voluntary Surrender 3/9/2010
Montes Jr, Joe 442962G Voluntary Surrender 2/23/2011
Moody, Thomas M 199537B Voluntary Surrender 2/2/2006
Moore, Peter F 345353G Voluntary Surrender 5/6/2004
Moore, Doug 266747E Revocation 2/24/2003
Moore, Kyle 342988C Suspension 10/15/2018
Moore (Tedford), Patricia 321196H Revocation 9/23/2009
Morasch, Matthew 426790B Voluntary Surrender 9/4/2020
Morehead, Devon 403485F Suspension 2/2/2010
Morehead, Devon 403485F Reinstatement 12/8/2010
Morelli, Carmela 340696D Reinstatement 3/2/2011
Morelli, Carmela 340696D Suspension 12/31/2010
Moreno, Alyssa 531975A Voluntary Surrender 3/10/2020
Morgan, Harvey 187072D Voluntary Surrender 8/2/2005
Morris, Chad 423108J Revocation 10/9/2013
Morrison, Barbara 222688D Voluntary Surrender 8/15/2008
Morrow, Robert 446226C Agreed Suspension 5/13/2016
Morrow, Brian 338543B Suspension 5/12/2010
Morrow, Kevin 268583B Reinstatement 4/9/2015
Morrow, Kevin 268583B Suspension 12/19/2008
Morrow, Brian 338543B Reinstatement 10/14/2013
Moser, John 215076A Reinstatement 11/15/2005
Moser, John A 215076A Suspension 10/18/2005
Moulton, Michael 312089F Suspension 6/3/2011
Mueller, Robert 331690H Voluntary Surrender 4/15/2015
Mulkins, David 369146F Voluntary Surrender 5/31/2012
Murk, Ryan L 379536F Voluntary Surrender 2/20/2004
Murphy, Ryan M 359635J Voluntary Surrender 11/20/2013
Murphy, Charles 415359R Revocation 1/8/2007
Murphy, Erica 401322C Suspension 1/13/2015
Myers, Jason 466451R Voluntary Surrender 2/5/2015
Myers, Aaron 433384E Mandatory Permanent Revocation 12/6/2023
Nash, Ronnie 304250D Permanent Revocation 5/7/2007
Neal, Elizabeth 418381J Suspension 1/7/2011
Needham, Erin 362371G Voluntary Surrender 2/25/2002
Nelson, Erick 417294F Voluntary Surrender 9/11/2008
Nelson, Mike 232693B Reinstatement 8/23/2002
Nelson, Mike 232693B Suspension 8/18/2003
Nemeth, Peter 302100C Revocation 11/3/2016
Newcombe, Christopher 513157H Permanent Revocation 10/1/2021
Newhouse, Mariah 515585H Reinstatement 4/11/2024
Newhouse, Mariah 515585H Suspension 1/6/2022
Newman, Michael 457767B Suspension 9/11/2023
Newman, Michael 457767B Reinstatement 4/12/2024
Newstead, Peter 385811E Denial of Certification 6/2/2022
Neziri, Izak 515510F Voluntary Surrender 3/25/2024
Ngy, Christin 400238B Voluntary Surrender 5/22/2015
Nielsen, Keith 309265G Suspension 4/29/2008
Nielsen, Keith 309265G Reinstatement 12/2/2010
Nollette, Paul B 402384B Voluntary Surrender 10/4/2004
Northrup, Teresa Denial of Application 3/23/2001
Norton, Clark 457521C Agreed Order of Suspension 6/30/2023
Norton, Clark 457521C Reinstatement 4/12/2024
Norwood, Lindsay 405300E Voluntary Surrender 5/17/2016
Nunnery, Alicia 370429C Denial of Certification 6/22/2005