Disciplinary Action Notices

Notification of denial, surrender, suspension, or revocation of certificates (January 2000-Current Date).

Per WAC 181-86-185, "The superintendent of public instruction shall notify all other states whenever an applicant has been denied a certificate for failure to possess good moral character or personal fitness or whenever a certificate has been suspended, surrendered, or revoked and shall provide the full name and certificate number, if applicable, to the agency responsible for certification in each state. The superintendent of public instruction shall notify appropriate public or private school officials within the state the name and certification number of all certificate holders whose certificates have been suspended, surrendered, or revoked."

For more information email Investigations, or call 360-725-6130


Pursuant to the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), OSPI has redacted exempt information in these documents. The most common redactions include the following: state employee personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers; student personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, parent names.

If you require a complete redaction log, please contact the Public Disclosure Office.

Name Certificate Number Action Taken Date of Action
Ivory, James 218717G Suspension 3/27/2006
Jackson, Elizabeth 436591B Voluntary Surrender 9/8/2014
Jackson, Grover 405435R Denial of Application 8/19/2001
Jaderlund, Lance 370925J Denial of Application 7/24/2012
Jaderlund, Lance 370925J Voluntary Surrender 1/20/2010
James, Samantha 369333J Suspension 8/2/2011
James (Moore), Amanda 448580A Voluntary Surrender 6/1/2011
Jarvis, Karen 232471C Revocation 11/25/2013
Jeffries, William 380594B Suspension 9/26/2006
Jeffries, William 380594B Reinstatement 1/29/2007
Jensen, Joseph M. 465694H Permanent Revocation 8/10/2011
Jensen, Robert 235952R Permanent Revocation 6/2/2008
Johnson, Lawanda 226930F Revocation 9/9/2016
Johnson, Jaime 498913C Suspension 7/16/2014
Johnson, Tony 242585H Revocation 6/7/2004
Johnson, Julie 242419J Suspension 6/13/2017
Johnson, Brian 298054H Voluntary Surrender 4/23/2007
Johnson, James 406969F Voluntary Surrender 3/4/2021
Johnson, Dennis 427379C Suspension 3/16/2020
Johnson, Hayden 305270A Voluntary Surrender 12/27/2005
Johnson, Donald 402377F Voluntary Surrender 11/20/2008
Johnson, Steven 320473B Voluntary Surrender 10/9/2012
Johnson, Sean S. 327681C Permanent Revocation 1/23/2012
Jones, Jon 252194F Suspension 9/7/2017
Jones, Ronald 202514F Voluntary Surrender 8/28/2020
Jones, Nicole 417754R Suspension 8/14/2018
Jones, Jill 446342H Denial of Application 7/22/2007
Jones, Robert 368117H Revocation 4/20/2007
Jones, Matthew 456661H Permanent Revocation 3/7/2012
Jones, David 242541A Denial of Application 3/7/2002
Jones, Tom 435417A Voluntary Surrender 3/10/2020
Jones, Michael 301464D Voluntary Surrender 10/13/2021
Jones, Denise L 312780J Revocation 1/10/2001
Jordan, Rodger 187413J Voluntary Surrender 9/2/2003
Jordan, Erin Lee 417115C Revocation 5/25/2016
Jordan, Wilson 355076A Suspension 4/25/2001
Jordan, Wilson 355076A Reinstatement 4/11/2016
Judy, Corrin 435637D Voluntary Surrender 9/24/2012
Juneman, Walter S 242778R Revocation 2/22/2001
Jungbloom, Charles 130004E Voluntary Surrender 7/22/1994
Kafflen, Brandon 394403J Revocation 11/5/2007
Kagan, Brian 356037B Reinstatement 9/8/2011
Kagan, Brian 356037B Suspension 9/8/2010
Kaiser, Sherral 256332H Reinstatement 7/16/2014
Kaiser, Sherral 256332H Suspension 5/30/2012
Kallestad, Jon 421587G Voluntary Surrender 5/19/2014
Kanany, Robert 284396R Voluntary Surrender 5/27/2020
Kasner, Kurtis 376634B Permanent Revocation 7/30/2015
Katke, Christopher 397949R Revocation 7/2/2015
Kaufman, Stephan 393035A Revocation 8/23/2004
Keene, Tracy 274975B Denial of Application 7/24/2006
Keith, Darrell 527236D Suspension 9/29/2020
Keith, Claire 188417J Reinstatement 7/24/2015
Keith, Claire 188417J Suspension 1/7/2011
Kellis, Timothy 385684F Permanent Revocation 7/6/2009
Kelly, Hugh 399166H Voluntary Surrender 7/24/2019
Kelly, Hugh 399166H Reinstatement 11/27/2019
Kemper, Christopher 286693G Voluntary Surrender 3/17/2003
Kendall, Russell 303643A Suspension 9/19/2005
Kendall, Russell 303643A Reinstatement 1/18/2006
Kennedy, Colleen 282209F Reinstatement 9/13/2005
Kennedy, Colleen 282209F Suspension 5/9/2005
Kennedy, Jennifer 385720H Suspension 2/12/2017
Kenny, John F 414177F Reinstatement 7/23/2005
Kenny, John F 414177F Suspension 3/22/2005
Kenworthy, Kevin 417437A Voluntary Surrender 12/22/2005
Kerslake, Reese 370934B Voluntary Surrender 2/27/2020
Keshishian, Jehnna 526313B Voluntary Surrender 1/16/2018
Kessberger, Ellen 300513R Suspension 7/29/2009
Kessler, Miles R 208317H Voluntary Surrender 7/25/2002
Ketterling, Thomas 355335A Denial of Application 5/9/2001
Keylin, Benjamin 221785R Revocation 3/2/2009
Kilmer, Janet 393261C Revocation 12/1/2008
Kindred, McKenna 569307B Voluntary Surrender 4/15/2024
King, Dustin 457551J Permanent Revocation 2/22/2010
King, Virginia 166012E Suspension 11/29/2004
Kinney, Laurel A 360215H Suspension 6/15/2004
Kinney, Laurel 360215H Reinstatement 1/4/2007
Kitchen, Tim 369175E Suspension 7/11/2003
Kitchen, Tim 369175E Reinstatement 10/4/2003
Klarich, Jon C 314903F Voluntary Surrender 7/12/2004
Klaus, John 412248G Voluntary Surrender 6/5/2014
Knight, Justin 446539R Reinstatement 6/16/2008
Knight, Justin 446539R Suspension 1/29/2008
Knipschild, Erich 380749B Voluntary Surrender 9/12/2006
Knowles, Timothy 305656A Voluntary Surrender 12/4/2018
Knox, Elgin 405436G Denial of Application 5/8/2002
Knudsen, William 132182G Revocation 7/26/2007
Knutson, Loren F 186598R Voluntary Surrender 4/6/2004
Koehler, Andrew 233457A Voluntary Surrender 12/18/2003
Kratzig, Jeb 409416E Reinstatement 6/7/2013
Kratzig, Jeb 409416E Suspension 10/25/2010
Kriss, Jeremy 499794F Suspension 12/5/2022
Kromholtz, Benjamin 402248R Order of Suspension 4/12/2013
Krusniak, Marty 491156F Voluntary Surrender 11/22/2019
Kuzas, Keith 507235J Suspension 8/23/2023
Kyllo, Jennifer 230899G Voluntary Surrender 5/30/2019
Labadie, Dion 378624A Permanent Revocation 8/26/2008
Lacey, Susan 280113B Revocation 9/28/2000
Lacey, Alexander 567552E Reinstatement 9/25/2023