2020 - Regional Teacher of the Year - Tamara Caraballo

Tami is a science instructor at Glacier Peak High School in the Snohomish School District. Her career in education has spanned a multitude of grade levels, subjects, and years.

Tami has designed and implemented a variety of science programs for the district ranging from forensic science to biotechnology. She currently teaches Biology, Molecular Biology for Global Health, and Advanced Molecular Biology for Global Health. She has received both the Amgen Award for Excellence in Science Teaching and the WASA Region 209 Outstanding Student Achievement Leadership Award. She is also a Murdock Fellow which allowed her to work for several summers at the Institute for Systems Biology on the TCGA project and Project Feed 1010. Tami served as a district mentor for many years, was part of the building leadership cohort, and has been the adviser for two clubs, One Voice and STEM Club.

Compassion, connections, and creativity are the vital ingredients in Tami’s classroom. She is a firm believer that the questions are more important than the answers, and often in real, rigorous, and relevant science, there may not yet be an answer. Tami also works to get students to take responsibility for their own learning, to follow their creative and curious instincts, and to realize that science is about persistence more than brilliance. She encourages connections, collaboration and works to sincerely know each of her students.

Tami has worked diligently to leverage her own connections and experiences to help her integrate the scientific community into her classroom. Several professional development programs have allowed her to explore and experience science from a different perspective. This in turn has enabled her to authentically mentor students. Opportunities provided by the Milwaukee School of Engineering, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, CDC, Institute for Systems Biology, and Murdock Foundation have afforded professional development opportunities that she has been able to pass forward to her students.

“During my three years in Mrs. Caraballo’s biology and global health classrooms, I have been challenged to ask harder questions, encouraged to work in collaboration with my peers to dissect important issues, and inspired to further my education and enhance my global perspective,” says student Emily Foley. “Under her supervision, I have been able to have first-hand exposure to her compassionate, selfless character and her endless determination to do what is best for every student in her classroom. Mrs. Caraballo is passionate about her craft, consistently demonstrates an attitude of integrity and welcomes all students with joy, acceptance, and warmth.”

School Year
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Award Type
Regional Teacher of the Year
Photo of Tamara Caraballo
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