Farm to CACFP

Contact Information

Adriana Gutierrez

Farm to CACFP Program Specialist

(564) 999-0211


Farm to Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) means the inclusion of locally produced food and/or nutrition or agriculture education in CACFP. By extending the principles of Farm to School, CACFP operators can offer repeated exposure to healthy foods, promote lifelong healthy food habits, and decrease the risk of obesity in childhood and beyond. Farm to CACFP programming is recommended a best practice in the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

Farm to CACFP Participation

Farm to CACFP is the inclusion of any of the three Farm to Program pillars into activities.

  • Nutrition and Agricultural Education
  • School Gardens
  • Local Food Purchasing

CACFP operators using any of these strategies are participating in Farm to CACFP. These activities have been shown to have positive impacts in health behaviors and school engagement by students and their families. Opportunities for advancing equity are provided, and increased academic achievement has also been observed.


Program Information
Harvest of the Month
Local Procurement/Purchasing
Promotional Tools and Activities

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.