Farm to Summer

Summer is a time of agricultural abundance. Using Washington grown foods in your summer meal program is a great way to take advantage of all the produce our state has to offer. Incorporating food education into your program also increases kids’ willingness to try new foods!

Farm to Summer Participation

  • Serve local foods as part of your meal service 
  • Include nutrition or agriculture enrichment activities 

Advantages of Farm to Summer

  • Serving foods during their peak growing season improves the quality and appeal of meals
  • Nutrition and agriculture activities are fun and increase kids’ willingness to try new foods
  • Introduces participants to fresh produce that may be unavailable during the school year
  • Supports local farmers and keeps dollars in your community
  • Celebrates Washington agriculture

Farm to Summer Week

OSPI encourages sponsors to serve local food and include food-related enrichment activities in their meal service throughout the summer but especially during Farm to Summer Week. It’s an opportunity to taste, teach, and connect about food grown in your community. Look for more details in the OSPI Child Nutrition Services newsletter each spring to learn dates and more information about participating in Farm to Summer Week.


Program Information


Harvest of the Month
Local Procurement/Purchasing


Promotional Tools and Activities


Food Safety
USDA Resources
Additional Tools

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.