Parent and Family Engagement Communication
Contact Information
Title I, Part A integrates parent and family engagement (PFE) at every level of a child's schooling. Relevant, clear, and regular communication establishes a strong foundation for effective parent and family engagement. Learn about the roles Local Education Agencies (LEA) and schools have in communicating with parents and families.
LEA Role
Under state and federal law, all parents have the right to information about their child's education in a language they can understand. These must be implemented before Title I, Part A funds can be used.
- Primary Family Notification Requirements for LEAs
PFE communication and notifications should demonstrate a results-oriented effort between LEAs, schools, and OSPI. LEAs, schools, and OSPI all have an obligation to distribute information to the parents/guardians of students who receive services through Title I, Part A programs, and should do so cooperatively.
The Parent Notification Requirements for LEAs and Schools document helps clarify the statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to information that LEAs must provide to the parents of students who receive Title I, Part A services. This checklist is not complete, and does not include the consultation, collaboration, technical assistance, training, and other kinds of direct and indirect communication that occurs among school and LEA staff and the families and children they serve.
School Role
Schools must make sure parents receive well-written program information promptly. It is critical that parents receive clear, understandable information, in a timely way, about Title I, Part A programs and services that affect their children. Make sure you include this information:
- Description and explanation of school curriculum
- Information about the forms of academic assessment your school will use to measure student progress
- Levels of proficiency students must reach to meet state learning goals
If parents are not satisfied with your schoolwide plan, make sure they are able to submit comments when you make the plan available to the LEA.
- Primary Notification Requirements for Schools
The communication and notification components that impact family engagement must demonstrate a results-oriented effort between LEAs, schools and OSPI. At different times, communications and notifications could be a cooperative effort among LEAs, schools and OSPI - all of us have an obligation to distribute information to the parents/guardians of students who receive services through Title I, Part A programs.
The Parent Notification Requirements for LEAs and Schools document includes references to the Title I, Part A statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to notification, or to information that schools must hand out or send to the parents of students who receive Title I, Part A services. This checklist is not complete, and does not include the consultation, collaboration, technical assistance, training, and other kinds of direct and indirect communication that occurs among school staff, and the families and children they serve.
Parents Right-To-Know
Teacher and Para Qualifications Templates
LEAs and schools inform the parents of Title I, Part A students that they may request, and the LEA and schools will provide, certain information on the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers and paraprofessionals providing services to the child.
Timely Notice of Limited State Certification and Licensure Templates
The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires schools that receive Title I, Part A funds to notify parents or legal guardians when their child has been taught for four consecutive weeks by a teacher who has not met "applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned." [ESSA Sec. 1112(e)(1)(b)(ii)]
In Washington, this notification requirement is for any teacher teaching under a limited substitute teaching certificate (WAC 181-79A-231), such as a Emergency Substitute certificate or Intern Substitute Teacher certificate.