The Superintendent's High School Art Show

2023 Art Show

Gallery of the Superintendent's High School Art Show state and regional winners. To enlarge images, simply click on the image.


Artist's Name: Savannah De La Rosa
Title: La Cancion de me Vida
Medium: Mixed Media
Teacher: Kit Christopherson
School/District: Oak Harbor High School/Oak Harbor



Artist's Name: Helen Strelow
Title: Can We Coexist?
Medium: Painting
Teacher: Bigelow
School/District: Coupeville High School/Coupeville



Artist's Name: Isabella Wetzel
Title: A Heart to Hold
Medium: Ceramics
Teacher: Kate Obukowicz
School/District: Snohomish High School/Snohomish



Artist's Name: Emma Fontenot
Title: Halves Have Knots
Medium: Ceramics
Teacher: Kate Obukowicz
School/District: Snohomish High School/Snohomish



Artist's Name: Elian Bayas
Title: Crowded waters
Medium: Watercolor & Pen
Teacher: Andrew Anderson



Artist's Name: Taylen Bader
Title: The Summit
Medium: Photography
Teacher: Jansen
School/District: Oak Harbor High School/Oak Harbor



Artist's Name: Clara Warren
Title: Love and Loss
Medium: Mixed Media
Teacher: Emily Palmiter