IPTN Resource Center

The Inclusionary Practices Technical Network (IPTN) is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and Black students with disabilities. When we address the needs of the most marginalized students, it benefits all students, educators, families, and communities. IPTN promotes inclusive practices by providing valuable resources, data, and tools for all partners, including students, families, educators, community members, and technical assistance providers. 

IPTN strives to create an inclusive environment by fostering collaboration across different groups. Use this resource center to: 

  • Learn why inclusion is essential, particularly for students with disabilities, and how it supports educational success for all students.
  • Utilize tools, materials, and professional learning opportunities focused on promoting inclusion for students with IDD and Black students with disabilities.
  • Explore state and district-level data to track inclusion efforts and inform strategies for improvement.
  • Keep up with the latest news, updates, and success stories about inclusion in schools and districts across Washington.
  • Engage with the IPTN's strategic plan, share best practices, and provide feedback to support ongoing improvement and the effectiveness of inclusion efforts.
  • Network with community partners, educators, and districts to promote inclusion and ensure all students are supported in their educational journey.

Resource Center

Myth: The High Cost of Inclusion

This article debunks the myth that inclusive education is prohibitively expensive, explaining that many schools already have the necessary resources but need to use them more effectively. It emphasizes that inclusion can be achieved without significant additional costs by rethinking resource allocation and focusing on the actual needs of students.

Topic: Technical Assistance
Source: Inclusive Schools Network, Web Article
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Strategic Resource Use CoP

Myths & Facts about Inclusionary Practices in Washington State

This resource addresses common myths about inclusionary practices in education, clarifying that inclusive education is both feasible and beneficial for all students. It provides evidence-based facts to counter misconceptions, emphasizing that inclusion can be effectively implemented with existing resources and proper planning1.

Topic: Technical Assistance
Source: OSPI, Tool
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Strategic Resource Use CoP, Technical Assistance CoP, Shared Ownership CoP, Shared Ownership CoP

OSPI District and School Data Team Toolkit

The District and School Data Team Toolkit provides tools and resources to help school communities use multiple data sources to continuously improve teaching and learning. It includes guidance on forming effective data teams, conducting needs assessments, and creating a vision for data use to support educational decision-making.

Topic: Data
Source: OSPI, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory
Community of Practice: Data Driven Strategies CoP, Technical Assistance CoP

Outcomes of Inclusive Versus Separate Placements: A Matched Pairs Comparison Study

Results of this study indicated that students in the general education classrooms demonstrated highly significant levels of progress as compared with the students in separate classrooms. Implications related to placement, disability characteristics, progress, and policy are discussed.

Topic: Inclusion
Source: SAGE Publishing, Research Article
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Data Driven Strategies CoP, Technical Assistance CoP

Principles and Practices to Build and Sustain Inclusive Schools: Assessment Tool

The “Principles and Practices to Build and Sustain Inclusive Schools” tool helps schools self-assess and enhance their inclusionary practices across seven key areas, including inclusive mission and vision, collaborative structures, and family engagement. It provides a structured approach for continuous improvement in creating equitable and supportive educational environments.

Topic: Inclusion, Technical Assistance
Source: UW Haring Center, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members
Community of Practice: Data Driven Strategies CoP, Technical Assistance CoP

Promoting Special Educator Teacher Retention: A Critical Review of the Literature

This literature review focused on journal articles from 2004 to 2014. Research demonstrates four areas that positively impact special education teacher retention: job satisfaction, induction programs, mentoring, and administrative support. The literature shows a clear need for comprehensive administrator support to improve job satisfaction and the likelihood a special educator will remain in their job.

Topic: Educator Recruitment and Retention
Source: SAGE Publishing, Research Article
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP

Shortages in Special Education Toolkit: Attract Strategies Role Guide

This guide provides strategies for addressing teacher shortages in special education by outlining roles for state education agencies, educator preparation programs, and districts. It includes recommendations for Grow Your Own programs, alternative certification routes, public relations campaigns, and incentives to attract and retain educators.

Topic: Educator Recruitment and Retention
Source: CEEDAR Center, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP

Shortages in Special Education Toolkit: Preparation Strategies Role Guide

This guide outlines strategies for state education agencies, educator preparation programs, and districts to improve the preparation of teachers to support students with disabilities (SWDs). It emphasizes aligning standards with high-leverage and evidence-based practices, fostering partnerships, and integrating practice-based coursework and clinical experiences.

Topic: Educator Recruitment and Retention
Source: CEEDAR Center, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP

Shortages in Special Education Toolkit: Retention Strategies Role Guide

This guide outlines strategies for retaining special education teachers, focusing on professional development, mentoring, and evaluation systems. It emphasizes collaboration between state education agencies, educator preparation programs, and districts to support teachers of students with disabilities (SWDs).

Topic: Educator Recruitment and Retention
Source: CEEDAR Center, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP

Solving the Teacher Shortage: How to Attract and Retain Excellent Educators

This report identifies key factors influencing teacher recruitment and retention, including salaries, preparation costs, hiring practices, induction support, and working conditions1. It highlights the impact of low salaries and high turnover rates, especially in low-income schools, on the stability of the teaching workforce. The report offers policy recommendations to improve teacher retention and recruitment, emphasizing the need for competitive salaries, financial incentives, and supportive working environments.

Topic: Educator Recruitment and Retention
Source: Learning Policy Institute, Report
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP