IPTN Resource Center
The Inclusionary Practices Technical Network (IPTN) is dedicated to improving educational outcomes for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and Black students with disabilities. When we address the needs of the most marginalized students, it benefits all students, educators, families, and communities. IPTN promotes inclusive practices by providing valuable resources, data, and tools for all partners, including students, families, educators, community members, and technical assistance providers.
IPTN strives to create an inclusive environment by fostering collaboration across different groups. Use this resource center to:
- Learn why inclusion is essential, particularly for students with disabilities, and how it supports educational success for all students.
- Utilize tools, materials, and professional learning opportunities focused on promoting inclusion for students with IDD and Black students with disabilities.
- Explore state and district-level data to track inclusion efforts and inform strategies for improvement.
- Keep up with the latest news, updates, and success stories about inclusion in schools and districts across Washington.
- Engage with the IPTN's strategic plan, share best practices, and provide feedback to support ongoing improvement and the effectiveness of inclusion efforts.
- Network with community partners, educators, and districts to promote inclusion and ensure all students are supported in their educational journey.
Resource Center
Characteristics of Positive Outlier Schools: Illuminating the Strengths of American Indian/ Alaska Native, Black, Latino/a, and Students Experiencing Poverty
The CEE Outlier Study Final Report examines the practices of high-performing schools that achieve exceptional student outcomes despite facing significant challenges. It identifies key strategies such as strong leadership, data-driven decision-making, and a focus on equity and inclusion as critical factors contributing to their success.
Topic: Technical AssistanceSource: The Center for Educational Effectiveness, Report
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Data Driven Strategies CoP, Technical Assistance CoP
Creating Communities of Belonging for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
The article emphasizes the importance of creating a sense of belonging for students with significant cognitive disabilities within inclusive school environments. It outlines ten essential dimensions of belonging and provides practical strategies for educators to foster inclusive and supportive classroom communities.
Topic: Inclusion, Professional DevelopmentSource: TIES Center, Web Article
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Shared Ownership CoP
DADD Legal Brief: Misperceptions and Facts About Specially Designed Instruction
This Legal Brief discusses recent legal updates affecting individuals with autism and developmental disabilities, including changes in federal and state legislation. It also highlights the importance of specially designed instruction (SDI) in ensuring that students with disabilities receive appropriate educational support and services.
Topic: Technical Assistance, InclusionSource: DADD CEC, Web Article
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Shared Ownership CoP
District Induction Manual: Supporting Beginning Special Educators
This District Induction Manual provides comprehensive guidelines for supporting new special education teachers through structured induction programs. It emphasizes the importance of mentorship, professional development, and continuous feedback to ensure the successful integration and retention of new educators.
Topic: Professional Development, Technical AssistanceSource: University of Florida, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP
Family Engagement Collaborative Resource Library Information Briefs
These resources were created by the Family Engagement Collaborative (FEC) for the OSPI Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN) and can be downloaded and printed for your use.
Topic: Inclusion, Family and Community PartnershipsSource: Family Engagement Collaborative, Resource Library
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Shared Ownership CoP
Gracious Space
The “Gracious Space” framework, developed by the Center for Ethical Leadership, is designed to foster environments of mutual respect, openness, and collaboration. It is integrated into the Roots of Inclusion toolkit to help communities engage in meaningful dialogue and build inclusive, supportive school environments.
Topic: Family and Community PartnershipsSource: Roots of Inclusion, Web Page
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Shared Ownership CoP
How Preparation Programs can Incorporate High Leverage Instructional Practices for Moderate to Severe Disabilities
The article discusses how educator preparation programs in Ohio incorporate high-leverage instructional practices (HLPs) to better prepare teachers for working with students with significant cognitive disabilities in inclusive settings. It highlights the importance of these practices for effective inclusion and examines the extent to which preservice and in-service teachers feel prepared to implement them
Topic: Inclusion, Technical AssistanceSource: TIES Center, Research Article
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory
Community of Practice: Data Driven Strategies CoP, Technical Assistance CoP
Inclusive Education and Family Engagement: Successes and Lessons Learned in Selected IPP Demonstration Sites
This report details the implementation of inclusive education and family engagement practices, highlighting the importance of collaboration between families, educators, and the community. It emphasizes the benefits of inclusive education for all students and the critical role of family engagement in creating a supportive and effective learning environment.
Topic: Inclusion, Family and Community PartnershipsSource: UW Haring Center, Report
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Shared Ownership CoP
Inclusive Service Delivery: A Proactive Model for Better Educating ALL Students
In this article, researchers share how an inclusive service delivery model can reimagine the deployment of existing school personnel in ways that better support student learning in inclusive schools and classrooms
Topic: Inclusion, Technical AssistanceSource: University of Minnesota, Institute on Community Integration, Web Article
Audience(s): Students & Families, Community, School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members, IPTN Advisory, State Leaders & Policymakers
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP
Iris Center Module: Teacher Induction - Providing Comprehensive Training for New Special Educators
This module emphasizes the importance of administrative support for beginning special education teachers. It also demonstrates how teacher support can increase the teacher's effectiveness in the classroom.
Topic: Professional DevelopmentSource: Iris Center, Tool
Audience(s): School & District Educators and Leaders, IPTN Members
Community of Practice: Technical Assistance CoP, Educator Recruitment & Retention CoP