Disciplinary Action Notices

Notification of denial, surrender, suspension, or revocation of certificates (January 2000-Current Date).

Per WAC 181-86-185, "The superintendent of public instruction shall notify all other states whenever an applicant has been denied a certificate for failure to possess good moral character or personal fitness or whenever a certificate has been suspended, surrendered, or revoked and shall provide the full name and certificate number, if applicable, to the agency responsible for certification in each state. The superintendent of public instruction shall notify appropriate public or private school officials within the state the name and certification number of all certificate holders whose certificates have been suspended, surrendered, or revoked."

For more information email Investigations, or call 360-725-6130


Pursuant to the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), OSPI has redacted exempt information in these documents. The most common redactions include the following: state employee personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers; student personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, parent names.

If you require a complete redaction log, please contact the Public Disclosure Office.

Name Certificate Number Action Taken Date of Action
Cox, Brian 505492R Revocation 2/7/2024
Craven, KC L 407782B Voluntary Surrender 4/3/2014
Creek, Randall 362415B Reinstatement 4/21/2006
Creek, Randall 362415B Suspension 1/1/2006
Creevey, James 147856R Denial of Application 7/2/2023
Crist, David 214899G Suspension 6/10/2002
Cronin, Mike 391162E Suspension 2/16/2022
Cross, David P 221756J Voluntary Surrender 4/6/2004
Crouch, Michael 506122A Revocation 7/24/2017
Crutcher, Stephen L 314562J Suspension 8/28/2002
Cuatt, Susanne 323679A Suspension 6/18/2006
Cuatt, Susanne 323679A Reinstatement 5/23/2007
Cuffel, Robert C. 184360F Revocation 4/28/1997
Cummings, Carla 432721R Suspension 6/13/2013
Curry, Karen 287769D Reinstatement 8/1/2003
Curry, Karen 287769D Suspension 7/11/2003
Curry, Glen K 384880A Revocation 5/5/2005
Dailey, Charles W 147570F Voluntary Surrender 7/1/2004
Daley, Argentina 195467F Suspension 8/4/2005
Daley, Argentina 195467F Reinstatement 3/7/2012
Daley, Argentina 195467F Denial of Application 11/25/2009
Daly, Julie 364618R Revocation 4/25/2006
Daman, Daniel "Joe" 167148F Voluntary Surrender 4/16/2004
Davidson, Winfield 216689J Voluntary Surrender 2/8/2001
Davidson, Steve 331083F Voluntary Surrender 10/3/2018
Davis, Randell 40040B Suspension 6/26/2020
Davis, Brian W. 473334A Voluntary Surrender 5/17/2016
Davis, Lisa 335258J Permanent Revocation 2/27/2014
Davis, Kenneth 287538C Revocation 2/26/2004
Davis, Duchante 529879R Voluntary Surrender 12/2/2019
Davis, Jacqueline 433494B Suspension 10/22/2014
Davison, Christopher M 378596A Suspension 8/23/2004
Dawkins, Veronica 359937J Voluntary Surrender 2/2/2011
Day, Jacques 567908R Voluntary Surrender 11/3/2022
Day, Jacques 567908R Voluntary Surrender 11/3/2022
DeBolt, Darin 436554J Permanent Revocation 6/29/2010
DeBruyne, Joseph R. Jr. 260980H Suspension 5/24/2004
DeBruyne, Joseph R. Jr. 260980H Reinstatement 11/19/2004
DeFluri, Lisa 505839A Permanent Revocation 7/15/2021
DeForest, John 226860E Suspension 5/24/2001
Deifel, Aaron 390425G Voluntary Surrender 4/15/2009
Del Mundo, Barbara 424772B Revocation 6/13/2013
DeLaRosa, Abel 409847A Suspension 12/23/2005
DeLong, Roy 242018J Suspension 9/6/2019
Deloretto, Louis 277385A Voluntary Surrender 4/19/2006
Deming, James 196891F Revocation 6/22/2005
Dennis, Robert 377713C Voluntary Surrender 11/9/2015
DeSantiago, Nathaniel 514401R Voluntary Surrender 6/29/2020
Devereaux, Henry 205275A Suspension 5/2/2005
Devine, Brent 554601E Voluntary Surrender 4/8/2024
Devlin, Shannon 322727R Suspension 6/15/2013
Devlin, Shannon 322727R Reinstatement 12/17/2015
Devlin, Sean 526108F Voluntary Surrender 1/25/2023
Diaz, Steve G 369063C Voluntary Surrender 2/8/2002
Dickerman, Gail J 173270J Suspension 11/30/2004
Dickerman, Gail 173270J Reinstatement 1/2/2005
Dietzen, Cheri Woodruf 346122E Suspension 6/30/2003
Dillon, Sean 395673G Voluntary Surrender 11/14/2008
Dinan, Cynthia 517753J Suspension 11/6/2017
Dion, David R 151312F Voluntary Surrender 11/5/2002
Dionne, Raymond 299402H Revocation 11/25/2002
DiSalvatore, Joseph 279468C Denial of Application 9/5/2023
Disney, Anthony 430001H Permanent Revocation 11/18/2009
Dixon, Lonnie 188979R Suspension 1/9/2020
Dodge, Theodore 528328H Permanent Revocation 7/1/2024
Doebele, Sean 423392J Suspension 11/24/2014
Dougherty, Michael Sean 401472F Voluntary Surrender 3/3/2004
Downey, Blaine 233824B Permanent Revocation 9/29/2008
Downey, Robert E 233683B Suspension 4/2/2003
Downey, Robert 233683B Reinstatement 10/29/2001
Doyle, David 358390C Reinstatement 9/19/2007
Doyle, David 358390C Suspension 5/23/2005
Driscoll, Ronald 426453G Voluntary Surrender 6/30/2011
Duncan, Jeffrey 349037B Voluntary Surrender 7/8/2005
Duncan, Patricia 349784R Suspension 7/18/2008
Dunkelberger, Amy 339055F Revocation 8/4/2003
Duren, Robert 566498B Reinstatement 9/19/2024
Duren, Robert 566498B Voluntary Surrender 3/15/2023
Dwight, Darrel 425918J Permanent Revocation 12/12/2016
Dykman, Todd 411880H Permanent Revocation 5/12/2010
Easton, Royages J 201637F Suspension 7/6/2004
Eathorne, John L 185387H Suspension 9/26/2001
Edwards, Douglas 284088B Reinstatement 9/29/2003
Edwards, Bruce 392092C Permanent Revocation 8/28/2008
Edwards, Lorine 304661B Denial of Application 7/6/2023
Edwards, Douglas 284088B Suspension 6/26/2003
Eeds, Andrea 446118B Suspension 7/22/2021
Egashira, Jane 334231H Voluntary Surrender 6/10/2020
Eggleston, Brian 427455A Voluntary Surrender 12/4/2018
Egli, Lance 385970R Mandatory Permanent Revocation 11/30/2023
Eilers, Marc D 332313F Suspension 5/11/2004
El Moussi (Johnson), Stacy 417096E Revocation 1/7/2011
Elhardt, Jason R 357719D Voluntary Surrender 4/9/2004
Ellingsworth, Audra 405079E Denial of Application 12/3/2023
Ells, Joe 351661D Voluntary Surrender 4/1/2024
Ellwanger, Wilhelm 224295F Revocation 12/7/2009
Emert, Kim 334618F Reinstatement 8/27/2012
Emert, Kim 334618F Suspension 5/30/2012
Erickson, Paul 462182G Permanent Revocation 9/15/2020
Estes, Eric 418471R Permanent Revocation 7/2/2015