Disciplinary Action Notices

Notification of denial, surrender, suspension, or revocation of certificates (January 2000-Current Date).

Per WAC 181-86-185, "The superintendent of public instruction shall notify all other states whenever an applicant has been denied a certificate for failure to possess good moral character or personal fitness or whenever a certificate has been suspended, surrendered, or revoked and shall provide the full name and certificate number, if applicable, to the agency responsible for certification in each state. The superintendent of public instruction shall notify appropriate public or private school officials within the state the name and certification number of all certificate holders whose certificates have been suspended, surrendered, or revoked."

For more information email Investigations, or call 360-725-6130


Pursuant to the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56), OSPI has redacted exempt information in these documents. The most common redactions include the following: state employee personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers; student personal information, including: home address, phone numbers, social security numbers, parent names.

If you require a complete redaction log, please contact the Public Disclosure Office.

Name Certificate Number Action Taken Date of Action
Evans, Christopher 336810G Suspension 9/24/2012
Eve, Allan 331450G Voluntary Surrender 4/17/2009
Fabre, Theodore 218080J Suspension 9/17/2004
Fabre, Theodore 218080J Reinstatement 8/7/2007
Fairbanks, Taryn 390326G Mandatory Permanent Revocation 4/14/2011
Faires, Robert J 11100G Suspension 5/17/2001
Fajardo, Joe 414397J Suspension 3/31/2006
Farrimond, Linda Sue 202794D Suspension 3/30/2004
Farris, David 385889A Revocation 7/26/2007
Fein, Terrence A 143016D Suspension 7/20/2001
Ferguson, Michael 324978F Voluntary Surrender 11/11/2006
Figley, Craig 217187D Permanent Revocation 7/23/2010
Figueroa, Juan 413906R Permanent Revocation 12/30/2009
Figueroa, Roberto 411492B Suspension 11/25/2009
Fingarson, Gerald 226659A Revocation 11/10/2003
Fiser, Steven R 319575G Voluntary Surrender 10/9/2000
Fitzgerald, Suzanne J 287124B Revocation 8/23/2001
Floyd, Eric 235441C Voluntary Surrender 7/11/2017
Flynn, John 288510A Suspension 7/29/2014
Fox, Kyle 459353R Voluntary Surrender 9/19/2013
Fox, David 229767R Suspension 5/3/2002
Frazier, Christopher 506357C Permanent Revocation 9/2/2015
Freeman, Donald 189884J Voluntary Surrender 7/9/2018
Frei, Troy 322642J Voluntary Surrender 3/14/2002
Freshman, Scott E 322173F Voluntary Surrender 6/15/2001
Fretheim, Paul 259727F Voluntary Surrender 6/2/2000
Friddle, Diane 313830B Reinstatement 8/13/2013
Friddle, Diane 313830B Suspension 3/3/2012
Friedley, Arthur 357930G Order of Suspension 4/8/2013
Fripp, Jerry D 348221C Voluntary Surrender 11/16/2000
Frizzell, William J. 359853R Suspension 7/1/2016
Frostad, John Jasper 280058R Revocation 11/30/2012
Fryhover, Kelley 311535R Reinstatement 7/25/2011
Fryhover, Kelley 311535R Suspension 6/22/2009
Fuchs, Jessica 515074C Permanent Revocation 5/13/2016
Fulbright, Keisha 446387C Denial of Application 1/18/2008
Fuller, Susan 209895B Suspension 7/16/2003
Furman, LuAnn Denial of Application 10/11/2000
Gaasland, Gary 456428B Suspension 4/29/2021
Gadbury, George 400836C Denial of Application 3/31/2003
Gage, Robert 550083J Voluntary Surrender 4/7/2020
Galland, Guy 348309F Reinstatement 8/1/2003
Galland, Guy 348309F Reinstatement 8/1/2003
Galland, Guy 348309F Suspension 6/10/2003
Garcia, Daniel 478543B Reinstatement 8/6/2015
Garcia, Daniel 478543B Voluntary Surrender 3/11/2013
Garcia, Daniel 478543B Voluntary Surrender 12/14/2015
Garcia, Daniel 478543B Reinstatement 11/15/2019
Garcia, Daniel 478543B Denial of Application 1/19/2014
Garnand, Don 324905R Reinstatement 5/26/2003
Garnand, Don 324905R Suspension 3/26/2003
Garnica, Oscar 323376D Permanent Revocation 12/12/2017
Garrett, Eric J. 354716C Approved for Certification 6/11/2010
Garrett, Eric J. 354716C Denial 12/11/2009
Garza, Alex 419541H Suspension 8/24/2010
Gibson, Linda J 174587F Voluntary Surrender 5/10/2000
Giles, James 196832J Voluntary Surrender 6/21/2006
Gobbato, Gregory 400080H Reinstatement 12/31/2003
Gobbato, Gregory 400080H Suspension 11/20/2003
Godbolt, Eli 443843H Permanent Revocation 6/13/2013
Godfrey, Dean 322927E Reinstatement 8/11/2015
Godfrey, Dean 322927E Suspension 7/10/2015
Godfrey, Anna 340751G Suspension 12/17/2012
Goings, Brad 386231E Permanent Revocation 6/26/2009
Golden, Michael 397274B Voluntary Surrender 8/4/2023
Gomez, Greg 451169G Denial of Application 1/21/2008
Goodman, Marvin 460256A Voluntary Surrender 11/13/2017
Gordon, Douglas 177205B Revocation 9/24/2001
Gort, Cheryl 341290E Suspension 5/18/2006
Graf, Jeff 255058J Suspension 6/19/2002
Graf, Jeff 255058J Reinstatement 5/31/2004
Granholm, Donna 155163R Suspension 8/13/2009
Grant, George 117505H Voluntary Surrender 5/16/2014
Grant, Rodney 339847F Suspension 3/19/2007
Grant, Christopher 410450A Voluntary Surrender 1/22/2009
Gray, Denise T100021 Denial of Application 2/18/2011
Green, Jason T 408653D Revocation 5/25/2006
Greene, Steven 428698E Suspension 5/20/2008
Greene, Dennis E 222668F Voluntary Surrender 4/4/2000
Greene, Jacob 446518C Revocation 4/17/2012
Greer, Nicole 490944F Voluntary Surrender 11/4/2015
Gregory, Robert 246620R Reinstatement 3/3/2003
Gregory, Robert 246620R Suspension 1/20/2003
Grellet-Tinner, Gerald 517153C Revocation 12/21/2018
Grenning, Neil 397262G Revocation 3/24/2004
Griffin, Barbara 355622B Revocation 12/19/2008
Grimm, Robert 428277H Revocation 5/6/2009
Gromus, Alan 287215H Revocation 12/31/2010
Gross, Jeffrey 522080A Revocation 8/29/2017
Gross, Douglas 187930C Voluntary Surrender 7/2/2009
Gross, Randy 247657J Suspension 6/26/2003
Grossman, Douglas 475774F Revocation 9/14/2011
Grubich, Nick J 278019E Suspension 10/31/2006
Gruntzel, Mark 478526G Voluntary Surrender 10/28/2015
Guier, Ronald 546309F Permanent Revocation 7/23/2019
Gulsrud, Peter 216108A Revocation 11/23/2005
Gundlach, Michael 291775E Denial of Application 12/15/2003
Gurley, Lynn N 137118F Voluntary Surrender 7/1/2001
Gurr, Richard 227800J Agreed Order of Suspension 5/17/2013
Guske, Jack 234416F Reinstatement 6/5/2014