Closing Educational Achievement Gaps (Title I, Part A)
- Unlocking Federal and State Program Funds to Support Student Success
- Title I, Part A Program Guide
- Title I, Part A | LAP Year at a Glance
- Title I, Part A Year at a Glance by Month
- Title I, Part A Evidence- Based Practices in Intervention Resource Guide
- Title I, Part A & ESSA Fiscal Handbook
- Title I School List
Contact Information
Title I, Part A: Closing Educational Achievement Gaps is a federal program designed to provide customized instruction and curricula that helps students meet academic standards. As the oldest and largest federal education program, Title I, Part A programs build opportunities for children whose struggles often keep them on the academic sidelines. One-third of the public schools in Washington state operate Title I, Part A programs, providing academic services to over 350 thousand students annually.
Program Models
Title I, Part A services are delivered in either a targeted assistance program or a schoolwide program.
Fiscal Requirements & Guidance
Find Title I, Part A fiscal requirements and guidance including ranking and allocating, laws, data funding summaries, and more!
Parent & Family Engagement
The Title I, Part A program insists on robust Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) activities at every school where federal funds support effective teaching and engaged learning.
Staffing Requirements/Paras & Teacher Qualifications
Learn more about Teacher and Paras qualifications and qualifications that staffers must meet to be in Title I, Part A.
Program Review & Support Title I, Part A (Formerly CPR)
The Program Review & Support (PRS) is the process used to review multiple programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The PRS process fulfills requirements under Federal regulations and consists of an OSPI team reviewing the federal and selected state programs of identified Local Educational Agencies (LEA).
Private School Participation in Federal Programs
The students, parent/guardians, and educators of non-profit, private schools–approved by the Washington State Board of Education may be eligible for services provided through some ESEA programs. These services can provide valuable supplemental support and professional development for participating private schools.
Early Learning in Title I, Part A Programs
Providing high quality early learning programs is a great opportunity for LEAs to begin serving children most in need of support in inclusive, developmentally-appropriate environments before they enter the K–12 system. Use the Funding Early Learning Activities in WA State Guide to help support in improving, creating, and funding high-quality early learning activities. Included are strategies to support WA state early learning initiatives such as transition activities, inclusive classrooms, Transitional Kindergarten (TK) guidance, creating a best practice learning environment, a Braided Funding Matrix, links to resources to support the implementation of the Pyramid Model, and more.
Professional Learning Opportunities for Title I, Part A and LAP
Take advantage of networking opportunities with LEAs across the state to learn about updates and guidance from Title I, Part A and other programs at OSPI. These meetings offer pathways to answer questions, facilitate dialogue, and exchange ideas and information for program improvement.
Citizen Complaints-Federal Programs
A citizen complaint is a written statement that alleges a violation of a federal rule, law or regulation or state regulation that applies to a federal program.
Learning Assistance Program
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) provides supplemental instruction and services to students who are not yet meeting academic standards in basic skills areas as identified by statewide, school, or district assessments or other performance measurement tools. LAP services may include academic and non-academic supports that focus on accelerating student growth and addressing barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction.