EU2, EV2, EW2 |
2SHB 2078 (Outdoor Learning Grant Program) - FY2 |
522(33) |
FJ2 |
2SSB 5720 (Student Financial Literacy) - FY2 |
522(44) |
AE2 |
Advanced Project Lead the Way Courses - FY2 |
522(2)(c) |
AG2, AH2, AJ2, AP2 |
Aerospace/Advanced Manufacturing - FY2 |
522(2)(d) |
FL2 |
After-Exit Running Start Grants - FY2 |
522(46) |
EI2 |
Americans of Chinese Descent Month - FY2 |
501(4)(ff) |
GB2 |
Apportionment System Maintenance - FY2 |
501(1)(b) |
KA2 |
Beginning Educator Support - FY2 |
515(2)(e) |
EJ2 |
Behavioral Health Support/Staff Training - FY2 |
501(4)(gg) |
MR2 |
Biliteracy Seal - FY2 |
501(4)(d) |
MV2 |
Bullying Prevention - FY2 |
501(4)(e)(i) |
DH2 |
C240 L16 (School Safety) - FY2 |
501(4)(e)(ii) |
CV2 |
Career & Technical Education - FY2 |
522(2)(a) |
1B0 |
Career Launch Programs |
501(5)(b) |
HF2 |
Career/College Readiness - FY2 |
501(3)(a) |
DM2 |
Center/Improvement of Student Learning - FY2 |
501(4)(r) |
BR2 |
Centrum Program/Fort Worden - FY2 |
522(12) |
LE2 |
Child Mental Health Work Group - FY2 |
501(3)(f) |
CH2 |
Citizen/Constitution Programs - FY2 |
522(3)(a) |
HE2 |
Civics Education - FY2 |
522(3)(b) |
EA2 |
Climate Science Curriculum Staff - FY2 |
501(1)(a)(x) |
BG2 |
College Bound Outreach - FY2 |
522(10)(b) |
DL2 |
Comprehensive Civics Education - FY2 |
501(4)(q) |
MK2 |
Comprehensive Data System/CEDARS - FY2 |
501(2)(a) |
MZ2 |
Comprehensive Guidance/Planning Programs - FY2 |
501(4)(g)(ii) |
RU2 |
Computer Science Capacity - FY2 |
501(1)(l) |
3R2 |
Computer Science Prof Development Grants - FY2 |
522(27) |
BM2 |
Computer Science/Education Grant - FY2 |
522(11)(d) |
CA2 |
Controls Programmer Apprenticeships - FY2 |
522(31) |
NF2 |
CTE Course Equivalencies - FY2 |
501(4)(i) |
AS2 |
CTE Equivalency Frameworks - FY2 |
522(4)(a) |
CW2, SB2 |
Dropout Prevention, Intervention - FY2 |
501(4)(g)(i) |
JQ2 |
Dual Credit Programs/Subsidized Fees - FY2 |
522(1) |
FF2 |
Dual Enrollment Course Costs Pilot - FY2 |
522(40) |
BD2 |
Dual Language/Early Learning & K12 - FY2 |
522(9) |
HL2 |
Dyslexia - FY2 |
501(3)(c) |
EH2 |
E2SHB 1153 (Language Access in Schools) - FY2 |
501(4)(cc) |
DQ2 |
E2SHB 1295 (Institutional Ed/Release) - FY2 |
501(4)(v) |
3O2, 3P2 |
E2SHB 1365 Media Literacy/Dual Citizenship - FY2 |
522(25) |
3N2 |
E2SHB 1365 Tech Grants - FY2 |
522(24) |
DF2 |
E2SSB 5237 (Child Care/Early Learning Exp) - FY2 |
501(3)(e) |
DT2 |
E2SSB 5237 (Child Care/Early Learning Exp) - FY2 |
501(4)(y) |
EC2 |
E2SSB 5764 (Apprenticeships and Higher Ed) - FY2 |
501(1)(u) |
MA2 |
Education Opportunity Gap Committee - FY2 |
501(4)(d) |
EX2 |
Education/Workforce Pathway Pilot - FY2 |
522(34) |
DY2 |
Educational Opportunity Gap - FY2 |
501(1)(d) |
NH2, TB0 |
Educator Workforce Supply - FY2 |
501(4)(k) |
3H2 |
Equitable STEM Access - FY2 |
522(17) |
DN2 |
ESHB 1214 (K-12 Safety/Security Service) - FY2 |
501(4)(s) |
1A0 |
Expand Career Connected Learning |
501(5)(a) |
RD2 |
Failing Schools - FY2 |
515(1)(b) |
CO2 |
Federal Way After School - FY2 |
522(14) |
1C0 |
Federal Way Pre-Apprenticeship Pathways |
501(5)(c) |
MB2 |
Financial Literacy of Students - FY2 |
501(1)(o) |
AV2, AW2, AX2, AY2, AZ2, 3G2 |
Foster Youth Educational Outcomes - FY2 |
522(6) |
GN2 |
Foster Youth Outcomes - FY2 |
501(1)(h) |
NG2 |
High School Grad Req - FY2 |
501(4)(j) |
3S2 |
Highline Pre-Apprenticeships - FY2 |
522(28) |
BB2 |
Homeless Student Educational Outcomes - FY2 |
522(7)(b) |
BA2 |
Homeless Students - FY2 |
522(7)(a) |
BP2 |
Increase Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science (CS) Course Capacity - FY2 |
522(11)(f) |
HM2 |
Increased Services to Tribes - FY2 |
501(1)(n) |
LT2 |
Innovative Learning Pilot - FY2 |
501(4)(n) |
BN2 |
Integrate Learning Standards/FieldSTEM - FY2 |
522(11)(e) |
MC2 |
Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEAM) - FY2 |
501(1)(p) |
DK2 |
K-12 Compensatory Advisory Committee - FY2 |
501(4)(p) |
FK2 |
K-12 Intensive Tutoring Programs - FY2 |
522(45) |
ML2 |
K-20 Telecommunications Support - FY2 |
501(2)(b) |
AU2 |
Kip Tokuda Civil Liberties Program - FY2 |
522(5) |
DG2 |
Language Technical Assistance - FY2 |
501(3)(g) |
BJ2 |
LASER Program - FY2 |
522(11)(a) |
GY2 |
Leadership Academy - FY2 |
515(2)(d) |
AK2 |
Leadership Internship Program - FY 2 |
515(2)(c) |
1D0 |
Marysville Regional Apprenticeship Pathways |
501(5)(d) |
EE2 |
Mathematics Pathways Pilot - FY2 |
501(4)(z) |
EK2 |
Media Literacy/Digital Citizenship - FY2 |
501(4)(hh) |
MH2 |
Military Children - FY2 |
501(1)(e) |
BQ2 |
Mobius Science Center - FY2 |
522(11)(g) |
DD2 |
MTSS Data Management/Implementation Contract |
501(1)(a)(ix) |
DC2 |
MTSS Data Management/Implementation Staff |
501(1)(a)(vii) |
DJ2 |
Multicultural Education - FY2 |
501(4)(o) |
AN2 |
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certification Salary Bonuses - FY2 |
515(2)(a) |
BC2 |
Nonviolence/Ethical Leadership - FY2 |
522(8) |
1.00E+00 |
Nursing Simulation Lab Equipment Grants |
501(5)(e) |
MW2 |
Office of Equity & Civil Rights - FY2 |
501(1)(c) |
BX2 |
One-to-One Mentoring Disadvantaged Students - FY2 |
522(13) |
RR2 |
Open K-12 Education Resources (OER) - FY2 |
501(1)(i) |
RJ2 |
Performance Based Evaluations/Certificated Educators - FY2 |
515(2)(b) |
3I2 |
Pierce, King, Snohomish Opportunity Youth - FY2 |
522(18) |
EY2 |
Plant-Based School Meals Pilot - FY2 |
522(35) |
FH2 |
Principal Mentoring/Professional Learning, etc - FY2 |
522(42) |
BT2 |
Reduce ASB Fees Grant - FY2 |
522(15) |
EG2 |
Regional Multitiered Systems of Support - FY2 |
501(4)(bb) |
SA0, SM2 |
Review Alternative Learning Experience |
501(1)(k) |
MD2 |
Safety Net Committee Support - FY2 |
501(1)(q) |
3M2 |
Salmon Fry Education Contract - FY2 |
522(23) |
FI2 |
SB 5657 (Computer Science Instruction) - FY2 |
522(43) |
LM2 |
School Meals at No Cost - FY2 |
501(4)(m) |
MX2, MY2 |
School Safety Training - FY2, Safety Center Admin - FY2 |
501(4)(e)(iv)(A) |
MS2 |
School Safety/Well-Being - FY2 |
501(4)(e)(iii) |
AT2 |
Science Teacher Training Grants - FY2 |
522(4)(c) |
HB2 |
Sexual Abuse of Students - FY2 |
501(4)(f)(ii) |
HH2 |
Sexual Health Education - FY2 |
501(3)(b) |
DP2 |
SHB 1208 (Learning Assistance Program) - FY2 |
501(4)(u) |
3T2 |
SHB 1356 (Native American Names) - FY2 |
522(32) |
CX2 |
Social & Emotional Learning - FY2 |
501(3)(d) |
3J2 |
Social Emotional Learning Grants - FY2 |
522(19) |
EB2 |
Social Worker Centralized Support - FY2 |
501(1)(t) |
CR2 |
South Kitsap Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Completion Pilot - FY2 |
522(16) |
CC2, CD2, CE2 |
Spokane SD Pilot - FY2, Chehalis SD Pilot - FY2, Bremerton SD Pilot - FY22 |
522(29) |
EL2 |
SSB 5252 (School Consultation/Tribes) - FY2 |
501(4)(ii) |
RT2 |
State-Tribal Education Compacts - FY2 |
501(1)(j) |
MM2 |
Statewide Accountability System - FY2 |
501(2)(c) |
BK2 |
Statewide IT Academy - FY2 |
522(11)(b) |
AD2 |
STEM Lighthouse Projects - FY2 |
522(2)(b) |
BL2 |
STEM Professional Development Grants - FY2 |
522(11)(c) |
3K2 |
SW Washington E-Sports - FY2 |
522(20) |
FB2 |
Tacoma Maritime Career Coursework - FY2 |
522(37) |
FC2 |
Tacoma Postsecondary Pathway Options - FY2 |
522(38) |
RC2 |
Teacher Principal Evaluation Training - FY2 |
515(2)(f) |
ED2 |
Trauma Informed Strategies Work Group - FY2 |
501(3)(h) |
LK2 |
Tribal Liaison - FY2 |
501(4)(l) |
GX2 |
Truancy Reduction - FY2 |
501(4)(g)(iii) |
3L2 |
Truancy Reduction Supports - FY2 |
522(21) |
EZ2 |
Tukwila After-School Programming - FY2 |
522(36) |
FG2 |
Vancouver Targeted Workforce Training - FY2 |
522(41) |
BE2 |
Washington Achievers Scholarship - FY2 |
522(10)(a) |
032, 400, JK0 |
Washington Assessment System - FY2 |
515(1)(a) |
MP2 |
Washington Reading Corps - FY2 |
501(4)(c) |
BH2 |
Washington Aim Program - FY2 |
522(10)(c) |
SC2 |
Washington Kindergarten Inventory - FY2 |
501(4)(a) |
SP2 |
Youth Suicide Prevention - FY2 |
501(4)(f)(i) |
FE2 |
Youth-on-Youth Gang Violence Prevention - FY2 |
522(39) |