Data Portal

Data for Public Use

The data portal is a repository for data from OSPI that is available for public use. Here you can find data about PreK-12 students, transportation, school facilities, school accountability, educators, district finances, and school directory and contact information. The data portal contains the most recently available data and most files are specific for each school year of data. Older data may be available upon request. Look to our data sharing page for information on requesting or accessing older data.  Various file formats are used and some results may link to other pages (specifically the school apportionment reports from School Apportionment and Financial Services).

The data on this portal does not fully represent all data publically available from OSPI, but is designed to be a hub for locating the majority of data available.

Looking for the previous "Data Downloads" page from the old Washington Report Card site? Those files are now located in the Washington Open Data Portal using the search ReportCard or by selecting this button to take you directly there:

Other Washington State education data resources

Washington State Report Card   Education Research & Data Center

National education data resources

National Center for Education Statistics  Civil Rights Data Collection

Filters on the lower-left can be expanded by selecting the topical word and by selecting or unselecting the box next to the chosen filter. Selecting one or more filters will update the list of data files available in the list to the right and can be used to find a specific set of data.

Title Data Domain Year
Oct 1 Count of Students by State with grade, race, ethnicity and gender (2010-2011) Student 2011
Oct 1 Counts of Students by School with grade, race, ethnicity and gender (2010-2011) Student 2011
Student Enrollment 2010-11 School year Student 2011
Washington State AP Trend Data - SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP , PSAT/NMSQT Student 2011
2009-10 Weapons in Schools Report Student 2010
2010-2011 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2010
2010-2011 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2010
Student Enrollment 2009-10 School Year Student 2010
Washington State AP Trend Data - SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP , PSAT/NMSQT Student 2010
2008-09 Weapons in Schools Report Student 2009
2009-2010 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2009
2009-2010 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2009
Student Enrollment 2008-09 School Year Student 2009
Washington State AP Trend Data - SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP , PSAT/NMSQT Student 2009
2007-08 Weapons in Schools Report Student 2008
2008-2009 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2008
2008-2009 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2008
Student Enrollment 2007-08 School Year Student 2008
Washington State AP Trend Data - SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP , PSAT/NMSQT Student 2008
2006-07 Weapons in School Report Student 2007
2007-2008 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2007
2007-2008 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2007
Student Enrollment 2006-07 School Year Student 2007
2006-2007 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2006
2006-2007 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2006
Student Enrollment 2005-06 School Year Student 2006
2005-2006 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2005
2005-2006 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2005
Student Enrollment 2004-05 School Year Student 2005
2004-2005 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2004
2004-2005 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2004
Student Enrollment 2003-04 School Year Student 2004
2003-2004 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2003
2003-2004 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2003
Student Enrollment 2002-03 School Year Student 2003
2002-2003 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2002
2002-2003 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2002
Student Enrollment 2001-02 School Year Student 2002
2001-2002 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2001
2001-2002 Personnel FTE by Race/ Ethnicity Finance 2001
District Enrollment 2000-01 Student 2001
2000-2001 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 2000
2000-2001 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 2000
District Enrollment 1999-2000 Student 2000
1999-2000 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 1999
1999-2000 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 1999
District Enrollment 1998-99 Student 1999
1998-1999 Personnel FTE by Gender Finance 1998
1998-1999 Personnel FTE by Race/Ethnicity Finance 1998
County Enrollment 1997-98 Student 1998