Administrative Budgeting and Financial Reporting Guidance

The resources contained in this section provide school district business managers with administrative, budgeting, and financial reporting guidance. 

F-195 Budget Documents
  • F-195 Budget Introduction (Posted February 28,2025)
  • F-195 Budget Calendar (Posted February 28, 2025)
  • F-195 / F-200 Redesign Project (Updated December 7, 2020) - This project will replace the current F-195 and F-200 budget systems. Learn what this project is, why it's being done, and the timing of the change.
  • F-195 User Guide/Training Manual (Posted 4/29/21) New user guide/training manual for the revised F-195 system to be released this year
  • New F-195 File Import Specifications available! (Posted December 7, 2020)
    • Version 2: This version allows for optional upload of local and state salary fields and is available for school year 2021-22 only (Updated January 4, 2021)
    • Version 3: This version requires the upload of local and state salary and fields and will be the standard beginning with school year 2022-23 (optional for school year 2021-22).
F-203 Apportionment Estimates
  • Form F-203 Estimates for State Revenues
  • State Apportionment Payment Information (Updated August 5, 2024)
  • Directory Data Tip Sheet (Updated February 2025) Districts planning to add or modify school locations must notify OSPI of directory changes. Districts are encouraged to begin this process early to ensure that an updated list of school locations is available for accounting, personnel, and enrollment reporting for the upcoming school year.  
F-200 Budget Extension
F-198 Budget Status Report
  • F-198 Budget Status Report (Posted February 24, 2025) Per WAC 392-123-115, a monthly budget status report shall be prepared by the administration of each school district and charter school and copies provided to each member of the board of directors of the district or charter school board at the board’s regular monthly meeting. This document illustrates State Form F-198. It is an example of the type and level of information necessary for this report.
F-197 Cash File and County Treasurer Report
F-196 Financial Reporting

FY 2023-24 

FY 2022-23

FY 2021-22

Financial Sustainability
Maintenance of Effort
Time and Effort

All employees charged to federal grants must document the time they spend working on the grant's objectives to demonstrate that the amounts charged to federal programs are true and accurate. For additional resources, view:

Accounting, Duty, & Location Codes
  • 2022-23 School and Non-Instructional School Codes
  • 2023-24 School and Non-Instructional School Codes
  • Directory Data Tip Sheet (Updated February 2025) Districts planning to add or modify school locations must notify OSPI of directory changes. Districts are encouraged to begin this process early to ensure that an updated list of school locations is available for accounting, personnel, and enrollment reporting for the upcoming school year.
  • Active PP-AA-Duty Codes 2024-0620: (Posted March 6, 2025) The 2024-0620 version is the active duty codes for use during the 2024-25 school year.   
  • Valid COA-PP-AA-O-NCES 2023-07 V9: Version 9 of the COA Codes is for use during the 2023-24 school year for F-196 reporting purposes. This tool provides a quick reference account code validation. Details of the updates from Version 8 are provided in separate worksheets.
  • Valid COA-PP-AA-O-NCES 2024-08 V10: Version 10 of the COA Codes is for use during the 2024-25 school year for F-196 reporting purposes. This tool provides a quick reference account code validation. Details of the updates from Version 9 are provided in separate worksheets.
  • ESSA School Level Reporting
    • School-Level Cost Allocation Plan SY 2019-20: This document provides a general description of the methodology used for the per-pupil expenditure analysis on the OSPI Report Card website to meet ESSA requirements.
    • Fund Source Categorization: This spreadsheet contains accounts that are used in the school year 2019-20 finance report card analysis. It is NOT a comprehensive list for all open accounts.
    • School-Level Cost Allocation Plan Prior to SY 2019-20: This document provides a general description of the methodology used by OSPI to produce the School-Level cost reports on the OSPI Report Card website to meet ESSA Per-pupil expenditures reporting requirements prior to the school year 2019-20.